Hinge bushing tip

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by MARTINSR, Mar 11, 2007.


    MARTINSR Well-Known Member

    When swapping hinge bushings installing the new bushings can be pretty tough without this neat little trick. Take a socket that is larger than the bushing. Put a bolt thru the bushing with a flat washer between the two, set the bushing in place. Then put the socket under the hinge and over the hole where the bushing needs to go. Put a nut on the end of the bolt and tighten. The bolt will suck the bushing right into place without any fight or fuss.

    You will notice I used a "stove bolt" or "Carriage bolt". They work neat as the square head fits perfectly in a 3/8" socket.

    I changed the upper hinge bushings on my brothers S-10 in minutes yesterday without even removing the door, it is an easy fix to a big problem of a sagging door that will destroy your door latch and striker faster than you think.
    Sorry for the poor quality photos. I didn't notice how bad they were until I uploaded them.



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