Had an "Oh Crap!" Moment Today

Discussion in 'Race 400/430/455' started by Jeff Kitchen, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. Jeff Kitchen

    Jeff Kitchen Well-Known Member

    I'm in the process of welding in the halo bar and A-pillar bars on my "cut-up" GS to make my rollbar into a cage, and legal for sub-9.99. I took precuations to cover things that might get burned from sparks etc. So, after I finished both welds where the halo connects to the main hoop, I went inside to get a drink for a minute. It's about 85 here today and I had a long sleeve flannel shirt on for protection. When I came back out I smelled something burning. I looked inside the car and saw smoke coming from behind the rear seat back! ACK! Yes, I still have a rear seat from back in the old GSE days. I opened the trunk (fuel cell!) nothing. OK, good. I sprayed the water hose behind the seat. No change. So, I started taking out the back seat - in a big hurry!!! The fumes were choking me as I was trying to unbolt the seat back. When I pulled it forward I could see a black area on the seat back inside that was smoking. So, I sprayed it with the hose and finished taking it out. Talk about adrenaline! I kept thinking "fuel cell, car, house ... AAAAH!"

    So, I was glad I had a water hose near by. All of my OSHA industrial safety training paid off. Also, be sure to look for hidden fires after welding!

    I'll post pics of the "progress" and damage someday.

    Have fun!
  2. standup 69

    standup 69 standup69

    that's scarry stuff good thing it wasn't at night and flamed up when you went to bed

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