Glove Box

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 70 Skylark Conv, Nov 4, 2003.

  1. 70 Skylark Conv

    70 Skylark Conv Well-Known Member

    What's the easiest and safest way to remove the cardboard glove box liner from a '71 Skylark? Gotta replace the heater core and don't want to rip the liner.


    P.S. Know this is a double post but needing an answer quick!

  2. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Remove all the little screws holding the felt to the dash. It should then pull right out through the glove-box door.
  3. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Like Truzi said remove all the screws, then pull it out. It helps to push the side near the door in, and pull the other side out, and remove it long ways out of the opening.
  4. 70 Skylark Conv

    70 Skylark Conv Well-Known Member

    Been there, done that quite a few times. Everytime I've taken one out like that, it has ripped. Thought I might have been doing it the wrong way all these years. Seems simple enough, you know? :Brow: Fold, squeeze gently and pull, then rrrrrrip! :af:

  5. Driver2

    Driver2 Guest

    Even if you do rip it, you can get a "NEW" one from Year One. I got one for my '70 Convertible, and it looks cool!:TU: It's a lot "stiffer" than the old one, so it fits better.:bglasses:
  6. 1971 Buick GS

    1971 Buick GS

    A new glove box

    I too replaced my old glove box with a new one from Year One a few years back. It looks and feels great.

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