first question, 70 custom grille

Discussion in 'Wet behind the ears??' started by 70custconv, Dec 2, 2002.

  1. 70custconv

    70custconv New Member

    I found a grill , but it's for a 70 gs, isn't the same color, it seems the custom grille has plastic Chrome that fits with the chrome on the hood.

    It's very hard to find this grill, the gs grille will fit, but can I have it Chromed,even if it's plastic, or should I just keep looking.


    Evan McCarthy
  2. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley Guest



    DON'T CHROME THAT GS GRILLE!!!! LOTS of people will be glad to trade you a Skylark grille for the GS grile. The GS grille is becoming quite expensive and people will hunt you down if you damage the GS grille (Just kidding...well, maybe).

    Put it in the "for sale" section of this board and offer to trade for the Skylark grille you'll have lots of takers.

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