Finally got my own garage!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 72skylark, Nov 24, 2003.

  1. 72skylark

    72skylark 4 Doors of Fury!

    As of december first I have my own garage! Me and a buddy are moving into one half of a 2 family house. There's two garages, one 2 bay, and one 3 bay. We each have one bay in the 3 bay one. So now I'll be able to do all my body work over the winter! Our bays are tall enough for a lift to, so probabally in a year or two. My friend's father owns the house now, so when he gets settled finacially, he'll buy it from his dad.

    Only problem with the place is it's a 40 minute drive back and forth from work.... right now it's a 5 minute drive...
  2. 462CID

    462CID Buick newbie since '89

    The drive is definitely worth it
  3. staged67gspwr

    staged67gspwr "The Black Widow"

    Hey Nick,i dont know if i ever asked you but did you ever see a `66 GS green in color and a yellow GSX in Milford?i bought a `67 GS back in `95 from a person in Milford and he had those cars along with the `67 GS i bought from him,his name was Anthony.

  4. 72skylark

    72skylark 4 Doors of Fury!

    George, you've asked me about that. I've never seen them.
  5. staged67gspwr

    staged67gspwr "The Black Widow"

    Sorry Nick i could`nt remember if i had asked you or not,i figured you might`ve seen him around since Milford isnt that big of a town.


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