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Door handles

Discussion in 'Chassis restoration' started by tdacton, Aug 11, 2023.

  1. tdacton

    tdacton Gold Level Contributor

    Are all A body door handles the same?
  2. mrolds69

    mrolds69 "The Cure"

    Troy, if you're talking about BPOC, definitely not. A-bodies of one division can be different for the years, too.
  3. tdacton

    tdacton Gold Level Contributor

    Thank you. I’m at a chrome player and he has some plates originals. Visually what is unique for ours if he has any?
  4. mrolds69

    mrolds69 "The Cure"

    I can't really help much from here. I know 70's were "fat" handles, I think 71 + 72, too. The key is the number inside the handle, it's a 2 digit number, last 2 digits of the part number. Weirdly, there's only a part number inside one of them on ours, I think.
  5. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    It's all in the contour at the door.

    Looks to me like a 3 on the inside of the the pass & 4 on the driver's. I don't see any other #'s.

    Attached Files:

    tdacton likes this.
  6. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    The 70-72 style are straight up and down with no angle on the mount edge.
    tdacton likes this.

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