Common abbreviations

Discussion in 'Buick FAQ' started by MartinNr5, May 17, 2006.

  1. MartinNr5

    MartinNr5 Stubborn Swede

    After reading a couple of hundred threads on this forum I realised that there's quite a lot of abbreviations I have no idea what they mean -- heck, the only reason I posted here to begin with was because I couldn't figure out what <a href="#BBB">BBB</a> stood for. :)

    So I thought I'd compile a post with as many abbreviations I can find, both car and forum specific, so that rookies like me can avoid asking about it all the time. ;)

    Feel free to chime in with abbreviations you either need to know what they stand for or those that you care to explain and I'll update the <a href="#OP">OP</a> with them. Also -- I searched as much as I could for this sort of thread but couldn't find one so go ahead and stop me if I missed it. :)

    I'll update this as often as time allows me which might not be all that often but I'll do my very best.

    If you want to link directly to an explanation you can use the URL for this thread and then just add # and the abbreviation at the end; #BBB for BBB, and so on (just ask if that made no to little sense :grin: ).

    Car abbreviations
    -- B --
    • <a name="BBB">BBB</a> - Big Block Buick
    • <a name="BG">BG</a> - Bowling Green
      An annual Buick event in Bowling Green KY.
    • <a name="BPG">BPG</a> - Buick Performance Group
    -- N --
    • <a name="NAPA">NAPA</a> - Need Another Part Already
    • <a name="NORS">NORS</a> - New Old Reproduction Stock
      Reproduced spare parts that haven't been on a shelf as long as <a href="#NOS">NOS</a> parts.
    • <a name="NOS">NOS</a> - New Old Stock
      Original spare parts that has never been used. Not necessarily in mint condition due to shelf wear. A variation on this is <a href="#NORS">NORS</a>.
    • NOS - Nitrous Oxide Systems
      Brand of nitrous oxide systems. Homepage.
    -- P --
    • <a name="POS">POS</a> - Piece Of Sh*t
      Any car that isn't a Buick. ;)
    -- S --
    • <a name="SBB">SBB</a> - Small Block Buick
    -- T --
    • <a name="TPP">TPP</a> - The Parts Place Inc
      Place to purchase reproduced parts (NORS parts?)
    • <a name="TSP">TSP</a> - Tri Shield Performance
      Owner of this board and a "full Service Buick Shop, specializing in the Older Buick Musclecars." Homepage.
    -- W --
    • <a name="WOT">WOT</a> - Wide Open Throttle
      Describes what happens (or should happen) in your carburator when you put the pedal to the metal.
    Forum abbreviations
    -- O --
    • <a name="OP">OP</a> - Original Post/Original Poster
      Used in reference to the first post of the thread: Just as the OP mentioned...
    • <a name="OT">OT</a> - Off Topic
      Used to indicate that a thread no longer is discussing the topic in the <a href="#OP">OP</a>.
    -- T --
    • <a name="TTT">TTT</a> - To The Top (of the page)
      Used to bump a thread to the top of the listing (page).
    Last edited: May 19, 2006
  2. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    IMO, IMHO = In My Opinion, In My Humble Opinion
    BTW = By The Way
    AFAIK = As Far As I Know
    YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary (usually not meant literally)
  3. Stage1 Jeff

    Stage1 Jeff Guest

    POS = a chebby,ferd, ricer
    NAPA = Need Another Part Already
  4. ricknmel67

    ricknmel67 Well-Known Member

    FWIW - For what it's worth
    ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
    ROTFLMAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my a55 off
    LOL - Laugh out loud
    SBB - Small block Buick
    TPP - The Parts Place Inc
    TSP - Tri Shield Performance
    BG - Usually referring to the annual Buick event in Bowling Green KY
    BPG - Buick Performance Group!

    :Do No:
  5. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    411 - information on something, derived from 411 being a general information telephone number you can call in the US much like 911 is a general emergency phone number
    ad hom - ad hominem attack in a discussion; against the posting guidelines but the mod is the final arbitrator on whether or not a post crosses this threshold
    AIM - AOL Instant Messenger
    Avatar - the picture that is displayed to the left of your message. the option for changing this is at the bottom of your Profile menu.
    BBB - big block buick
    BBTL - bump before the lock; how brad & i used to tweak the mods noses whilst over at ars technica. ah, good times, good times
    BTW - by the way
    C/P - cut and paste
    CMB - Community Message Board {Forum Index Grouping}
    DA - devil's advocate/district attorney;one defends slime the other puts them away
    DB - Database; the IBDoF has one
    DC - distributed computing; a bio/science/math program which uses the internet and participating PC's to assemble a virtual supercomputer to attack such problems as finding prime numbers, curing SARS, developing an antidote to anthrax, folding proteins or searching for LGM's
    DCA - Distributed Computing Arcana; a forum on the Ars Technica boards devoted to Distributed Computing
    DOD - dildo of death; used to greet post whores who have crossed the 4-digit posting barrier, much as sea-men are initiated after crossing the equator for the first time
    DotD - defender of the database; an ephemeral title once granted to me, since rescinded through no fault of my own (edit: ooooh, it's back, it's back! look quick before it disappears again)
    Flame Suit - metaphorically donned by someone who is about to post a subject or opinion which he knows will be controversial
    Flame War - heated online catfight, often involving ad hominem arguments and unsuitable language. such a thread is prime IBTL and PC++ territory
    FUBAR - f'd up beyond all repair (1 step up from TARFU)
    Haxor - computer hacker or, more often, a teenager who plays computer games
    HC - hard cover
    IBDoF - Acronym for the Internet Book Database of Fiction; why isn't it called the IDBoF? i dunno, try calling 1-800-GET-A-CLU
    IBTL - in before the lock; posted in response to a thread which is either clearly off topic, ad hominem or totally without merit and which will be locked as soon as a mod shows up. often seen in conjunction with PC++
    IIRC - if i remember correctly; consider yourself warned about my alzheimer's
    IM - instant message/ing;real time message system such as YIM, AIM or WM
    IME - in my experience
    IMHO - in my humble opinion
    IMNSHO - in my not so humble opinion
    IMO - in my opinion
    IP - intellectual property; something that is subject to copyright/trade mark/registration law: also internet protocol; used to configure your computer or talk on a local network/to the internet
    IRC - internet relay chat; live chat channels sometimes hosted by a forum (not this one though)
    IRC - i remember correctly; how dare you question me you little pipsqueak
    leet - haxor speak for 'elite' or 'better than you'; usually used in reference to coding programs or playing computer games
    LGM - little green men; extra-terrestrials or martians
    Lock - the process of rendering it impossible to reply to a thread
    LOL - laugh out loud
    LOS - line of sight; lines of supply
    L4 or L5 - the most stable lagrange orbit points. see this thread for descriptive picture. see posts below that for in depth discussion
    Lurker - someone who peruses the board without ever adding content or participating in a conversation; shown as 'Guest' on the board stats
    Mod - formal usage: moderator; forum referee, usually has broad authority to edit, delete or lock threads/posts/members (hint: it's usually a Bad Idea to insult or abuse a mod, especially in his home forum)
    MOD - informal usage: Master Of Digression, a forum poster reknowned for his ability to fold, spindle or mutilate a thread so far from it's intended purpose that it's original subject is no longer decipherable.
    MMP - mass market paperback; whenever possible, this will be the version linked by the IBDoF
    MUE - mindless user error; OE
    NDP - nom de plume; alternate or pen name when an author would prefer not to use their real name
    NM - never mind
    NMO - not my opinion
    Noob - slang spelling of newbie; a newcomer or initiate - you if you actually need to read this FAQ
    NPC - not politically correct: also non-player character when used in reference to video/computer games
    OADF - Official Author Discussio Forum {Forum Index Grouping}
    OE - operator error; what the computer help desk is always telling you
    OT - off topic; a reply which takes the thread in a direction unrelated to the original post
    OTOH - on the other hand
    PC - politically correct
    PC++ - post count plus; stylized as if in a programming language
    PEBCAK - problem exists between chair and keyboard; also known as OE
    PICNIC - problem in chair, not in computer; also known as OE (when is somebody gonna make fun of these help desk people?)
    PIG - people in general; specific people are okay, i just can't stand PIGs
    Post Whore - someone who posts at a profligate rate, often simply to raise their post total. also Brad_H
    PM - personal/private mail; messages posted through the board that can only be seen by the individual recipient. both sender and receiver must be registered on the board
    RAH - Robert A. Heinlein
    RAYOR - read at your own risk; a spoiler warning
    RL - real life; you know, that place without a computer or internet access
    ROFL - rolling on floor laughing
    RTFM - read the f'ing manual
    RTM - read the manual
    S/N - signal to noise ratio; please take all of your noise to the soapbox
    SNAFU - situation normal, all f'd up
    Stats Whore - someone who just likes watching numbers go up; you might be a stats whore if you're a baseball fan but if you play Progress Quest, Diablo II or participate in a DC program your soul is lost
    SWAG - Scientific (or Stupid) Wild @ssed Guess
    TANSTAAFL - there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
    TARFU: Things Are Really F'd Up (1 step up from SNAFU)
    TCWB - Time Consuming Work Bomb, most often an off-handed suggestion about improvements to the database that needs a HUGE amount of effort to accomplish, but is definately worth it.
    TIA - thanks in advance
    TP - trade paperback
    UADF - Unofficial Author Discussio Forum {Forum Index Grouping}
    WAG - wild @ssed guess
    WM - windows messenger == the spawn of satan
    WTF - what the f
    WTH - what the heck / hell
    WTK - what the krell; a DC variant of WTH using the name of an infamous cheater in place of the more usual subjects
    W/O - without
    YACA - yet another car analogy
    YIM - Yahoo Instant Messenger
    YGM - you've got mail, subject to a pending AOL lawsuit
    YMMV - your mileage may vary
  6. kia

    kia Well-Known Member

    my Question is why the word abbreviation so long itself?!!!!!!!!!!!! :Brow: :Brow: :laugh: :laugh:
  7. MartinNr5

    MartinNr5 Stubborn Swede

    Thanks for the Internet acronym list Bob, I guess I should move my main focus to the car abbreviations as those are the ones I'm having a harder time locating.

    Kia: It's like the word "dyslectic" -- it has to be a pain in the behind to spell that. :)

    Speaking of which...

    "Dyslectics around the world: untie!"
    "Two dyslectics walks into a bra..."

    Damn, I'm hijacking my own thread here... :rolleyes:
  8. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    NOM- I always see this in a cars description in Hemmings in reference to the engine. I take it to mean "non original matching"
  9. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    It's like the word "dyslectic"

    a dyslexic is one who is afflicted by dyslexia. :Brow:

    never mind me, you're doing a damn fine job at spelling and grammar in english ... certainly far better than i could attempt in dutch or any other language. :beer

    the thread i started over at the IBDoF was meant to be a reference, so the intent is that the original post should actually contain the alphabetized reference. suggestions may be made later in the thread but they should be melded into the first post otherwise the thread will be practically impossible to navigate as a reference.

    the reason why i posted that list was so you could add anything you might consider useful to your post (as the poster only you or a board moderator will be able to change your posts) ... unless you'd prefer that someone else actually take charge of this?

    you're fairly new on the board but you're the one who saw a need. if you want, i see no reason why you shouldn't take custodianship of the list yourself. lack of knowledge on your part is no excuse to duck this, you've got thousands of users on the board to suggest acronyms and definitions for you. :laugh:
  10. MartinNr5

    MartinNr5 Stubborn Swede

    LOL! That's what I get for being a smartass. :grin:

    I would normally double check that sort of word with a dictionary but in my defense it was way past my bed time when I posted that.

    No problem Bob -- I know that I have a very good grasp of "household" english (as well as computer lingo as that's my chosen line of work)...

    Damn, I bet I'm going to regret that sentence more than once. :laugh:

    What I lack is knowledge of engine and car lingo in english. Good thing is that I have a thorough knowledge of cars and engines so "all" I need to do is try to explain what I mean based on what it's called in swedish. :)

    Ok, I will do that as well although the main reson for this thread was to create a reference list of car/engine abbreviations so the forum/computer lingo will take a back seat to that.

    I wouldn't have started it unless I intended to finish it (or at least maintain it ;). It'll take some time though as there's a lot on my plate now though, especially with my GS 455 hopefully showing up within 2-3 weeks. :beer
  11. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    PAE - Performance Automotive Engines Enterprises @ ; Jim Burek/owner often shows up on the board as Buick535 and is a primary contact for Bulldog blocks and heads

    Jim Weise should be added to the TSP entry as the owner of the business and board. i forget his avatar name ... :Dou:

    edit: heh, his avatar name IS 'Jim Weise', no wonder i'm confused.

    AM&P - Automotive Machine & Performance; they normally run a BBB in the yearly Engine Masters Challenge

    EMC - Engine Masters Challenge; a big hoo doo that Popular Hot Rodding does every year that averages HP and tq from 2500rpm to 6500rpm on a displacement and compression spec that changes every year.

    BBC - big block chevy
    BBO - big block Oldsmobile

    SBC - small block chevy
    SBO - small block Olds

    all the Pontiacs are the same size externally

    I know that I have a very good grasp of "household" english
    s'funny. i spell 'household' as 'colloquial'. :cool:

    sorry, you were begging for that. :Brow:

    on what it's called in swedish
    damn, i can't even keep track of what country you're in long enough to compose a reply. i must be getting early onset old-timers.
  12. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    FI - Fuel Injection; Forced Induction such as a Turbocharger or Supercharger system
    NA - Normally Aspirated
  13. jbc455

    jbc455 Between cars...

    CAI- Cold Air Induction

    Not all that common, but pops up occasionally. :cool:
  14. Stubbe

    Stubbe Stubbe

    I know I got bugged by TTT untile you just explained it. I thought it was like a car guys lol.
  15. MartinNr5

    MartinNr5 Stubborn Swede

    Thanks for all the feedback -- I'll take care of this as soon as I get 5 minutes to spare. :/

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