Clean aluminum Turbo-T wheels.....

Discussion in 'The Hides' started by Kerry s., Mar 8, 2003.

  1. Kerry s.

    Kerry s. Is Jesus YOUR Lord?

    Hi Guys,

    Today here in Central IL we had BEAUTIFUL weather with a high of 67* but by 5:30pm it had dropped a whopping 30* and tomorrow is suppose to be a high of 33* much for spring!!

    Anyway....I spent my afternoon cleaning my stock front two aluminum Turbo-T wheels with a product by the name Eagle One Mag Cleaner in preparation for mounting on the front of my BBB Regal!. This stuff worked great for me!! I'm posting two pic's (front and rear view) of side-by-side, before-and-after rims. You will notice that my powerwasher is directly behind the rims in the pics but it was not needed to bring them to spotlessness of the rims on the left. This stuff is an etching cleaner so you don't want to leave it on more than a minute. I just used a soft bristle brush. The rear 8.5" rims for the rear will unfortunately have to wait for another nice day to be done.:(

    I believe the pic's will speak for themselves.....:TU:

    Attached Files:

  2. Kerry s.

    Kerry s. Is Jesus YOUR Lord?

    Here's a view of the front of the rims....

    Attached Files:

  3. snaperhead

    snaperhead nefarious: I'm game, you?

    be careful, with some of those aluminum cleaners as they contain HF, hydrofluoric acid, nasty stuff as it will attack the calcium in bones if it gets on your skin, but the stuff is a great cleaner :grin: :grin: :grin:
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2003
  4. brblx

    brblx clueless

    we had a degreaser at my old work like that, and my manager warned me about the weakening of bones...i always thought he was kidding.:shock:

    it would burn like all hell if you got it in cuts or around your nails, too...but man would it melt brake dust off. also removed oxidation from aluminum wheels.
  5. Kerry s.

    Kerry s. Is Jesus YOUR Lord?

    Thanks Guys, I'll keep that in mind whenever I use it....:TU:

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