cjp69 is a class act

Discussion in 'Buyer/Seller Feedback' started by GS/SX, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. GS/SX

    GS/SX Well-Known Member

    I had never spoken to Chris before but I needed some information on a car on the west coast so I emailed him about it. It wasn't even 5 minutes later and he called me with the detailed information I was looking for. He is definetly a great asset to the Buick community.
  2. 72staged

    72staged Well-Known Member

    You have no idea!

    Positively Outstanding individual!

  3. Chris Lance

    Chris Lance Platinum Level Contributor

    The Crack Spider is the man
  4. tufbuick

    tufbuick RIP

    He's O.K., I guess..:bla:
  5. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    Thanks for the kind words Phil, but I didn't do anything special, and as a matter of fact it was no different than the help I have received from many other board members in the past. Just "paying forward" I guess! :TU:

    TROSE11SECGN Boost is my drug

    What he needs to do is buy stock in Blue Moon. Great meeting you at BG this year:TU:

    If you didnt meet him, look for the youtube video of a guy screaming when the concourse cars were accepting their awards and running them hard down the Beech Bend 1/4 mile!:)
  7. Lee Bacon

    Lee Bacon Well-Known Member

    X's 2 :grin:
  8. Jethrobodine

    Jethrobodine Platinum Level Contributor

    Chris is top notch for sure.

  9. Ryans-GSX

    Ryans-GSX Have fun, life is short.

    You guys quit sucking up to Chris or its going to go to his head :spank:

    Yes he finds a few nice Buicks every now and then....Woopie :rolleyes:
    Yes he has helped countless members get a great Buick for a great deal or close to free..... Doesn't everyone here :Dou:
    Yes he knows more about Buicks for sale in the US than anyone else.....Its some super computer in his office that I am still trying to hack.. :Comp:

    I dont see what the big fuss is about....:idea2:

    :bla: Just kidding Chris is the Best and we all know it !!! :bla:
  10. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    I'll 'second' every comment on this thread:Smarty::TU:
  11. 69GS400s

    69GS400s ...my own amusement ride!

    Ohhh PaLeeeze
    He's a crack Spyder and nothing more. If he's not getting his high buying/selling a car for himself he'll steal your high and buy a car for you / sell yours for you - and for nothing !! He'll even broker the deal, stash the car away until you can fetch it (rumor has it he's opening a chain of warehouses across the country and building a personal shipping fleet) and he doesn't want anything for the favor - just the buzz

    There is a price to pay though .. Lets also not forget that he's single handedly responsible for more Buick related personal debt from this board than the rest of the interWebz combined.

    Yeah ... keep feeding the crack spyder :pp
    PS - Chris, where's my 1/77 ? :pray:

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