BPG Membership can save you $$$ when attending event

Discussion in 'Buick Performance Group' started by gbsean, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. gbsean

    gbsean Moderator

    A Non-member racing ticket is $45 x 3 days is = $135
    bring a spectator and thats another $20 x 3days = $60
    giving you a total of $205 for 2 people to attend

    A Members ticket is $35 x 3 days = $105
    bring spectator and thats another $15 x 3 days = $45
    giving you a total of $150
    you would save $55 plus discounts on club t-sjirts...you can purchase the $35 yearly membership and pocket the $25.00.


    Join the BPG and save yourself some money...and help the club....

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