BOOK NOW AVAILABLE "Rebuild your Quadrajet step by step with Everyday Performance LLC"

Discussion in 'Products' started by techg8, Nov 20, 2021.

  1. techg8

    techg8 The BS GS

    Everyday Performance LLC has published a new reference book on Rochester Quadrajet carburetors. "Rebuild your Quadrajet step by step with Everyday Performance LLC"

    DSCN3622.JPG DSCN3625.JPG

    Follow step by step directions guiding you through the process of rebuilding your Rochester Quadrajet carburetor, then install and troubleshoot your rebuilt carburetor with Expert advice.

    Includes additional information on Quadrajet modifications and functions, power tuning distributors, microprocessor controlled carburetors, and even a system for identifying Quadrajet Cores.

    This book is intended as an easy reference for those brave souls interested in rebuilding a Rochester Quadrajet carburetor on their own. It is NOT a comprehensive engineering document or in-depth tuning guide. Rather, it is a real world technical aid written in an easy to understand step by step format.

    In this book I share the procedures, tips and tricks I've accumulated over 15 years of rebuilding Quadrajets, to help you get the best result from your Quadrajet rebuild.

    The book is available NOW at the Everyday Performance website

    Attached Files:

    Darron72Skylark and 2001ws6 like this.
  2. JoeBlog

    JoeBlog Platinum Level Contributor

    Ordered. And, Thank You!
    techg8 likes this.
  3. Quick Buick

    Quick Buick Arlington Wa

    Ordered not that I'll ever need it..... Ken you did a GREAT job retuning my carb... Starts like a dream. Runs like a champ.....
    techg8 likes this.
  4. Darron72Skylark

    Darron72Skylark Well-Known Member

    Just ordered a copy myself!
    techg8 likes this.
  5. NZ GS 400

    NZ GS 400 Gold Level Contributor

    Hi Ken,

    Do you plan to offer an electronic copy? I am interested. Thanks.
    techg8 likes this.
  6. techg8

    techg8 The BS GS

    I have considered that, but have no plans for an Ebook at this time. It will likely be some time before that happens, if it happens.
    The paperback took so much of my time that I got pretty far behind on everything else i have going. Now i have to get caught up.
  7. techg8

    techg8 The BS GS

    Thank you! The book has lots of reference material in addition to the step by step procedures. Worth owning even if you dont intend to build a Qjet!
    Quick Buick likes this.
  8. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Sounds good Ken. Ordered my copy.
    techg8 likes this.
  9. techg8

    techg8 The BS GS

    Thanks Larry. I feel you will like it. There is even a section which covers the importance of timing as it relates to carburetor tuning and troubleshooting.
  10. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    I'm sure I will. Thanks.
    techg8 likes this.
  11. gszinny

    gszinny Platinum Level Contributor

    Also ordered a copy
    techg8 likes this.
  12. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    Awesome! I will order one for sure.
    techg8 likes this.
  13. CCM

    CCM Gold Level Contributor

    Just ordered one, thanks!
    techg8 likes this.
  14. techg8

    techg8 The BS GS

    All orders have shipped as of now. Thank you for your support! I believe you will find the book informative and helpful!
  15. rtv72

    rtv72 Founders Club Member

    Just ordered one!
    Thank you!
    techg8 likes this.
  16. tommieboy

    tommieboy Well-Known Member

    Just ordered mine!

    techg8 likes this.
  17. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    I'll be ordering one. Will be interesting to see how it compares to Cliff's book.
    techg8 likes this.
  18. Michael_G

    Michael_G Living the Dream... Fast with Class...

    Ordered. I have the original Quadrajet sitting in a box as my '70 GS455 was leaning out under acceleration and causing a high-thermal condition... and couldn't be adjusted. I didn't have time to mess with it so she's running strong with a Summit Carb, but I want to take the time to restore the original one day. That's the only on the car not period correct (except the battery).
    techg8 likes this.
  19. Dwayne B

    Dwayne B Well-Known Member

    I just ordered A copy, thanks.
    techg8 likes this.
  20. Cutlass

    Cutlass Platinum Level Contributor

    Postman notified me yesterday, that I can pick up the book today in the local post office (had to pay tax & duties). Not to bad 1.5 weeks for international shipping door to door.
    Just glanced briefly over it and found many interesting chapters.
    As this book will be a Christmas present from my wife I will put it aside till then.
    Oh, my wife just asked a friend for a favor

    ...upps, forgot what I was about to write you guys :)
    Buicksky and techg8 like this.

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