Another year older, maybe it will slow his reaction time!

Discussion in 'The "Other" Bench' started by SmallHurst, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. SmallHurst

    SmallHurst The Polyglas Pimp!


    Hope you have enough breath to blow out all the candles!:laugh: I will have a beer for you tonight!:beer

    COPO PETE Guest

    Wow.... HTF did you know it wuz my birthday???? Anywayz, thanks, I'm gunna have a beer for me too!:beer
  3. Dave H

    Dave H Well-Known Member

    Watch the candle flames with that beard, too!

    Happy Birthday, Pete! Great month for B'days!


    Don't bank on that. :Brow:

    Older you get, the fewer distractions in life. (Good thing).

    Remembering to hook up the trailer properly, losing keys on the way to the track, etc. etc., now that's another story.

    I'll join you both in those beers. Usually takes about 6 to 8 to mow the lawn here. Always start by mowing near big things that don't move. Too difficult to avoid later.

    Cuantos anos tiene Usted, Pedro?
  4. Mike Wowk

    Mike Wowk Who freakin' cares?

    Happy B-Day......So where do you stick the candles on a birthday chicken?

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