Ain't that the truth!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by BQUICK, Nov 14, 2003.


    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor


    Attached Files:

  2. Greg Schmelzer

    Greg Schmelzer What are you looking at?!

    Your opinion

    I think it's gotta be better than the 8 from the previous administration.

    Just my opinion.

    Let the flaming begin!
  3. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Not another political thread. Please, just blow my friggin head off now and put me out of my misery. :rolleyes:
  4. CIT

    CIT Poweraddict, help me

    :blast: :rolleyes:

  5. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Thanks Pete! I needed that! :beer
  6. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    Terrible dishonor to the Stooges...

    Never one to pass up a political posting, I just couldn't help but comment on the clever but really upsetting illustration. The Stooges provided us with hours of harmless entertainment. To tarnish their image and disfigure them purely for political purposes is truly indecent and disrespectful.:Brow:

    As far as a democratic administration making any significant can hold your breath. Either party will provide an establishment candidate that will the grow the big government machine. There isn't a dimes worth of difference between the parties.

    Ever been to a Stooge fest? Years ago in Pittsburgh, I had the good fortune to attend several. They packed thousands of Stooge lovers in one theatre and somehow, it made it even more funny. I never, ever, laughed so hard in my life. They had passed out Kazoos for everyone coming in adding to the humor.

    :beer :beer :pp :beer :TU:
  7. ethan

    ethan buicks rock!

    Re: Terrible dishonor to the Stooges...

    LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:grin: :grin: :laugh:

    KEN COTRONA Well-Known Member

    i have a stoogies bottle opener.
    when you use it, it says " how bout a beer? " curley replies "certainly!! nyuck nyuck nyuck. "then the sound of sweet sweet beer being poured.
    it gets funnier the more it is used. :beer
  9. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    I want one !!!

    Ken - where did you get that? I want one!!! Corona's aren't twist off if I recall....:beer
    Ethan - good to see you on here bro and congrats on the new ride dude!:bglasses:

    KEN COTRONA Well-Known Member

    it was a gift from my mom.
    you can get them here

    scroll down, they have a corona beer opener.
    have you ever tried grenadine in corona, a friend of mine drinks it like that. just about a shotglass full.
  11. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    Gomer Pyle would say...

    Dear Ken,
    As Gomer would say, THANK YA, THANK YA, THANK YA! Talk about the perfect Christmas gift, and affordable too! I owe you a :beer
    What a great Mom you have! I will have to try a Corona like you described.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2003

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