AFB gaskets

Discussion in 'The Mixing shop.' started by Gulfgears, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. Gulfgears

    Gulfgears Gulfgears

    Anybody know where to get just the gasket that goes between the housing?

    Don't need base gaskets and hate to have to buy a rebuild kit for one gasket

  2. telriv

    telriv Founders Club Member

    NAPA sells single gaskets, but you have to look it up in the book of illustrated fuel parts catalog.

    Tom T.
  3. Gulfgears

    Gulfgears Gulfgears

    Thanks Tom.

    My local NAPA is on of the most friendly, warm hearted and loveable group of guys in town. I look forward to going in there this Saturday.

    Not really!

    But again life would be harder and definately more expensive with the help from guys like you.

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