About to wake up v8 buick land no joke the real deal

Discussion in 'Cars and Parts For Sale Leads' started by Greg4551972, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    Oops, missed that pic! Thanks for pointing it out (I was on my phone, little screen. At least that's my sorry excuse....haha).
  2. Greg4551972

    Greg4551972 70 GSX stage1 72 v stage 1 72 GSXstage2

    Just wanted to add the heads are 1969 cast# 1109 but are stage 1 and have. r-d #stamped. both heads have same # on them as a pair For. Stage 1testing.and that is very uniqe. On its own So that may be the test they did on this xbock For sure it is one of the 6 block tested for 1970 455 .it has the thick. Mains. And was drilled like a 430. for oil in front but is a( 1970- 455) Call if need to thanks Greg 1(269)979-3083

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 29, 2015
  3. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    I don't mean to be a Richard, but I honestly don't see the value here. OK, its got beefier main webs. Im still not sure why that would add $9,700 onto the price for a block that would otherwise cost $300 on the open market. Its a conversation piece for sure, I'll give you that.
  4. Greg4551972

    Greg4551972 70 GSX stage1 72 v stage 1 72 GSXstage2

    I never said it was. I was told by( john the one that had the first 4 bolt xblock bare block) that he got $5000. he said my complete. Engine. may bring more many year later and it has 1969 stage 1 heads with the r -d # stamped. On both of them as a set.could be the test they done as a stage 1 for 1970 on this xblock I dont know if I have ever seen one before has enyone else. Its got to be rare.
  5. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Sometimes rare and desirable don't go hand in hand
  6. Greg4551972

    Greg4551972 70 GSX stage1 72 v stage 1 72 GSXstage2

    It would make for one strong block to build and have the oil to front and make a great gsx xblock 1970 stage 1 add on .would add some price increase. to a gsx.dont think there are many out with a block with the mains that thick or have a big old x on the block running out here.Denny said only a handful (6) had the x in 1970.this is one of the 6 blocks.
  7. newmexguy

    newmexguy Well-Known Member

    A quick story on Dennis Manner (ret. GM Powertrain - Buick) in November 2013 Musclecar Review.
    Was a featured guest at the 10th annual Buick Nationals.

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  8. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    He sat in the host hotel parking lot in Norwalk this year and hung out, chatting Buicks and sharing stories. He's a genuine and extremely neat guy to talk to. He went out to dinner with a big group of attendees on Saturday, but we drove the buick up to lake Erie for a little afternoon sightseeing and missed it, kinda a bummer. But still an honor to chat with him.
  9. Greg4551972

    Greg4551972 70 GSX stage1 72 v stage 1 72 GSXstage2

    That's if you ever see one in your life and trust me you will never see one for $300 bucks let us know if you ever see one again
  10. 70staged

    70staged Well-Known Member

    This post is now 4 years old. I would assume you sold this block by now as much as you tried to get it out there. How much did you get out of it?
    GranSportSedan likes this.
  11. 1969RIVI

    1969RIVI Well-Known Member

    Hmmm interesting :cool::cool:
  12. Greg4551972

    Greg4551972 70 GSX stage1 72 v stage 1 72 GSXstage2

    Well the guy that got it asked me not to say how much in cash but I can tell you this, I did a frame off and set my GSX up with a complete stage 2 engine oil pan to carb and all new legendary interior and paint thanks to the guy that got it
  13. Greg4551972

    Greg4551972 70 GSX stage1 72 v stage 1 72 GSXstage2

    Oh yes. And it's got a new 12 bolt with 373s new ss gas tank.
  14. Greg4551972

    Greg4551972 70 GSX stage1 72 v stage 1 72 GSXstage2

    And a rebuild on my turbo 400 with
  15. Greg4551972

    Greg4551972 70 GSX stage1 72 v stage 1 72 GSXstage2

    JW. Stall converter
  16. Greg4551972

    Greg4551972 70 GSX stage1 72 v stage 1 72 GSXstage2


    Attached Files:

    bhambulldog likes this.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    You got ALL that done on the sale Greg?!!!

    That had to set you back at least $4300!;):D:D
    bhambulldog likes this.
  18. Greg4551972

    Greg4551972 70 GSX stage1 72 v stage 1 72 GSXstage2

    Ha ha ha! Only you lol
  19. 1969RIVI

    1969RIVI Well-Known Member

    Nice! Is the engine being rebuilt and used or is it a display piece?
  20. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    gregs gsx.jpg
    NICE !!!

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