A new flavor of rice

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Freedster, Jan 16, 2004.

  1. Freedster

    Freedster Registered User (2002)

  2. SkylarkSteve

    SkylarkSteve Hello Michael

    You gotta give the kid props on creativity and skill, even if the theme is a bit nerdish.

    There was a thread about this car on another BB and I like someones quote from there "thats why I don't see tie-fighters on the road anymore, this dude destroyed them all." :grin:

    Still, I wouldn't mind driving it around for a weekend. :cool:
  3. Joe Kelsch

    Joe Kelsch Eat Mo' Rats

    What a DORK!!!
  4. Freedster

    Freedster Registered User (2002)

  5. Freedster

    Freedster Registered User (2002)

    OK, dumb joke time:

    "What this guy needs is a Star Wars air cleaner!"


    - Freed

    RATROASTER BPG#1291, GS-CA#2265

    This guy really needs to be introduced to a BBB!!
  7. evil16v

    evil16v Midwest Buick Mafia

    I think that you can percieve a great many things about ones personality by inspecting that persons car.

    Just from the photos, these are the things I percieve about this individual:

    1. This guy is a Dork for D#@N certain.

    2. This guy is fairly crafty.

    3. This guy has no life.

    4. This guy has a lot of time on his hands (Refer to point #3).

    5. This guy is a Dork.

    6. This guy bought a Honda.

    7. This guy tought it would be cool to star wars his car.

    8. This guy has poor taste. (Refer to points #6 & #7).

  8. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    If you notice,most of the guys that buy this foreign crap,often have poor taste. They end up putting some freaky looking wing or some ugly looking bumpers and say "that looks cool". These kids in my opinion,have no taste and no class.They just follow what all the other idiots like them are doing.These kids have been brought up watching too many cartoons and think the same can be applied to cars-Wake up and get with reality,guys!!! What is all the more nauseating is the sound these "loads" make when they accelerate-my tractor has a better exhaust note! It's too bad that these junks were allowed into this country in the first place-they haven't done society any good,except to fill the junkyards with useless rusty scrap metal and pollute our air with useless noise pollution. I can't understand why kids go and buy this stuff anyways-I know they're cheap,but you get what you pay for. Maybe someday they'll learn-if they're smart enough.

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