A nem one from France

Discussion in 'Wet behind the ears??' started by Feust, May 23, 2008.

  1. Buick Bloke

    Buick Bloke More idea's than money

    If you can get over to the U.K. this summer check out the Mopar Euro Nats at SantaPod Race way in Northants England. Yes ,yes its mainly Mopar but, everyone's invited.... Buick, Chevy, Ford. Its a great weekend the 27th of july 2008.:3gears:
  2. Feust

    Feust Member

    Some pics of my car :




  3. STG

    STG Member

    Bien ta Buick :TU:
    je prefere les pare chocs chromes
    en 68, y avait il des differences de montage entres les usines Canadiennes et US ? mi 70 les productions sont specfiques a chaque pays.
  4. 68 Skylark cust

    68 Skylark cust French Canadian Member

    Canadian has 12 bolts vs US 10 bolt rear end
  5. odgs455

    odgs455 Well-Known Member

    they're some drag races in France, just no specific track.... we do it on race strip with enough straits and on aiports... kind of like you guys in the 50's.... like for a lot of stuff it's like we're 20-30-40-50 years behind you :laugh:
    see web site : www.francedrag.com


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