72 Riviera parts needed

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by 70 GMuscle, Feb 19, 2005.

  1. 70 GMuscle

    70 GMuscle Plan B

    helping a friend. he needs 72 riviera right front headlie bezel, right front fender front extension piece. and the horizotal piece under the right front bezel. also need all 4 corner lamp assemblies.I hope someone can help. chris
  2. 70 GMuscle

    70 GMuscle Plan B

  3. 70 GMuscle

    70 GMuscle Plan B

    ttt. 2 people responded thru pm's and they vanished. if you still have the parts listed for sale we still need them. please help my friend out here, he wants to finish the body work as it is otherwise ready to paint. :beer
  4. here is a car that might help
    let me know

    Attached Files:

  5. 70 GMuscle

    70 GMuscle Plan B

    72 riv

    My friends name is john. 516 652 6774 thanks, chris
  6. tell him to call me when he gets a chance
    number is
    email is

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