70's "kitchy" cars are colllectible--"Dude, where's my Gremlin?"

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by pglade, Jan 22, 2004.

  1. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    It's happening----no matter how ugly you thought they were the car collectors' sights are moving "up the food chain". Now the Wall Street Journal is profiling collectibility in the early-mid 70's stuff that we all though once was butt-ugly!---You know, the Gremlin, Matador, those big bumpered Starsky and Hutch Torinos.

    I think GM, Ford, Mopar were drinking the Koolade in this era--those designers were so wacked out on whatever their hallucinigenic drug of choice was that day that they designed some pretty obnoxious stuff (of course I saw the UGLIEST dam! SUV coming to work today I have ever seen---it beats the Lincoln Navigator even!---the new Nissan large SUV--uuuuuuuugly!).
    But you got to admit some of the cars, looking back, are kind of cool. Also remember--this was the beginning of the dark ages and the wretched excess that haunted Detroit til the late 80's.
    "Fine Corinthian Leather.......Turbo Power"

  2. nailheadina67

    nailheadina67 Official Nailheader

    I know what you mean!!!!! That Nissan Murano is UGLY!!!! Yuck!!!!

    I meant to post a puking smiley but don't know how to do that so this one will have to do.:moonu:
  3. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    I'm talking about the new large 4 door SUV--not the Murano---u want to see ugly then wait til you see this new big 4 door! Patton

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