70 455 oil suck passage bypass

Discussion in 'Race 400/430/455' started by evil16v, Feb 13, 2005.

  1. Greg#19

    Greg#19 Well-Known Member

    Very cool. Even though ours worked, this definately much better than what we did.
  2. evil16v

    evil16v Midwest Buick Mafia

    eitherway... a massive improvement over the stock passage. thanks again for offering up the suggestion. that'e what makes a good forum. people who see a question, have walked that down that road, and are willing to show and tell what they learned.
  3. evil16v

    evil16v Midwest Buick Mafia

    After a bad experiance with a the local welder.... long story ...you don't want to hear it.

    Here is the final result. i also reinforced with epoxy.

    Attached Files:

  4. evil16v

    evil16v Midwest Buick Mafia


    Attached Files:

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