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68 Wildcat drum brake parking brake issue

Discussion in 'Buick FAQ' started by Olli 68 Wildcat, May 22, 2022.

  1. Hey guys, i have a problem with my right parking brake. The normal brake works fine on every four wheels. The left rear parking brake works great, too. But the right one dont, i dont get it. Parking brake cable looks fine, every linkage under the car looks fine. Do you guys have any idea? Can someone post me a picture of a rear drum brake from an 68 wildcat? I upload pics from my brake, maybe you can see what is wrong.
    Greetings, have a nice day!

    Attached Files:

  2. TrunkMonkey

    TrunkMonkey Totally bananas

    Assembly is correct. But, this looks to be the problem.


    The circled area is the anchor that allows the cable to pull the rear fulcrum to move the rear shoe.

    Looks like it has split and not holding the cable sheath.

    Last edited: May 22, 2022
  3. Hey :) thanks for the fast answer! The left side looks exactly the same, i thought this could not be the issue. But i‘ll just buy new left and right cable and see if it works :)
    Thanks man!
    TrunkMonkey likes this.
  4. SpecialWagon65

    SpecialWagon65 Ted Nagel

    Is the cable free to move? Also - beware of replacement parts -i have had trouble in the past with incorrect brake cables, especially the metal bit that bolts to the backing plate.
    1973gs and Olli 68 Wildcat like this.
  5. bostoncat68

    bostoncat68 Platinum Level Contributor

    I have 68 cat, I used bruin brake cables. They have an online store on eBay, made in USA. They installed without issue and have held up as expected.
    Olli 68 Wildcat likes this.
  6. Hey :) thank you for the info, i locked up the web store what bostoncat said, they looked reale good. But i have a question: since the parking brake Pedal is on the driver side, isnt it normal that the left parking brake brakes the left Wheel first and after the left string of the cable is limited because of the brake shoues pushing against the drums, the right side is able to pull on the right brake? Sorry my english :) you know what i mean?
    Thanks for your help, habe a nice day!
  7. Thanks :) i looked in the store, they looks realy good :) ill give my cables another try to adjust. If it doesnt work i‘ll buy them.
    Thanks for the info, have a nice day! :)
    bostoncat68 likes this.
  8. the cables are all free to move
  9. PGSS

    PGSS Silver Level contributor

    I understand what your saying but I haven't been under a old car like that for years.
    Do you see any type of adjustment rods or brackets on the passenger side? Another issue is I see the cables rubbing sharp brackets. Putting grease on these areas will be good.

    TrunkMonkey and bostoncat showed you a big issue which you most likely you will need to address.
    Last edited: May 24, 2022
  10. SpecialWagon65

    SpecialWagon65 Ted Nagel

    Is it binding here? System should pull equally on both sides. if it binds here, it will only pull on other side.
    Only other thing I can think of is the shoe- check if the actuator on shoe is not rusted so it won't move.
    Usually a spring washer between the shoe and the parking brake actuator. Cable is hooked to bottom of the actuator.

    PGSS likes this.

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