'66 Wildcat Custom trunk

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by Thriller, May 30, 2008.

  1. Thriller

    Thriller Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know what it should look like? When I got my car, the trunk was all rusty. Was there the full mat treatment? What sort of pattern? Or was it just that speckled paint? Thanks.

    While we are in the trunk, what did the original tools look like? I'd like to find a set for show purposes, but don't even know what I'm looking for.


    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat

    You should have hardboard side panels with hinge covers. Our cats still had the cloth carpet/mat, that helped to rust our trunk floor. I may have some pictures around of what it should look like. I will post them if I find some.
  3. Thriller

    Thriller Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I've seen good photos of an original '66 Electra, but wasn't sure if it was the same for the Wildcat. The other thing would be finding an appropriate source for a material that would be a close match.
  4. 64BuickCat

    64BuickCat Geaux Tigers! L-S-U!!!

    SMS has trunk lining for the 64, and wouldn't shock me to hear they've got it for a 66. Send them an email, and they will send samples.

  5. Thriller

    Thriller Well-Known Member

    Thanks Wayne. I'd gotten samples from ACC last year, but I wasn't very happy with what it was compared to what I had a photo of from the Electra. I'll check SMS out...another supplier I have heard of, but haven't been in touch with.
  6. Sergeant Major

    Sergeant Major Biggest Nut in the Can

    I'm turning My trunk into a hot tub. I've got no idea what to do with all that room other than putting one of those Smart Cars in it just for the hell of it. :laugh: But seriously, I'm going to totally re do it, and it will be nothing like the original. It'll keep me busy...for about a week .

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