'65 Riv tilt colum - same as my 65 Skylark?

Discussion in 'The whoa and the sway.' started by skylark65 310, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. skylark65 310

    skylark65 310 Member

    im alredy having some serious doubts, but i got a complete tilt steering colum out of a '65 Riveara, hoping to use it in place of the non - tilt unit in my 65 skylark. i just dont think its gonna fit. will it?

    i dont really need to have it, but it would be nice to have, its a lil tight to swing my 6'2'' frame in around the stock colum.

    if the colum does not fit my car, what other cars might it be compatible with? or it it a Riv only itam?

    thanks for any help!
  2. ragtops

    ragtops Gold Level Contributor

    64, 65, and 66 "A" bodies all across all GM lines will directly bolt in place. And as far as I know that is all. If you wish to use some other column you will need to do "Slicing and dicing".
    BTW, I have a tilt column that will fit your car. If you are interested you can contact me direct.
  3. Ol' Yeller

    Ol' Yeller Guest

    It is a different column. You need one from an "A" body GM in 64-65.


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