455 Swap parts needed

Discussion in '"Pay It Forward"' started by Stubbe, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. Stubbe

    Stubbe Stubbe

    Hi, Im trying a 455 into a 65 special swap. I have the engine and tranny but need a few parts and saw this.

    Front springs for Big Block- wagon or something?
    Big Block Radiator
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    455 Gs cars just used 3 cores radiators as did many 350s. There are many links to aftermarket. Aluminum radiators on this Board that are also cheap.

    Springs are cheap. For example www.espo.com. Just ask for the ones that fit a GS 455. If you put in wagon springs the car will look sit up like a 4 x 4 pick up truck.
  3. Stubbe

    Stubbe Stubbe

    Does it matter what year the springs are from or are they all interchangable.

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