403 Rods: which way install ???

Discussion in 'The "Other" Bench' started by Gary Bohannon, May 30, 2010.

  1. Gary Bohannon

    Gary Bohannon Well-Known Member

    My friends 403 is believed to have the rods paired up wrong. I say short sides together and tangs toward outside the block.
    Also, the balance pads on the rod caps have a slanted side and flat side . I say flat sides together.

    Looked through all my manuals, Only found the "bearing tabs toward outside the block". If we put short sides & flat sides together, the tangs are all outside, but half the piston notches are pointing to the rear of engine.

    Took another guys spare 403 oil pan off; It was a mess, rods ever which way and one rod cap on backward. Can't believe this.

    Help or pictures anyone?
  2. RG67BEAST

    RG67BEAST Platinum Level Contributor

    I don't know about a 403 olds but on a Buick there is a chamfer on one side on the rod's big end that faces toward the journal fillet (to clear it). In other words both flat big ends face each other. Perhaps the piston/rod assemblies need to be reassembled for their intended bores.
  3. Gary Bohannon

    Gary Bohannon Well-Known Member

    No chamfer on the 403 Olds rods!

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