2 Teen Girls Missing from Middle TN

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by ACCTMGR, Oct 31, 2003.


    ACCTMGR Active Member

    I know that the members of this board seem to be a very caring group, so I am posting this just in case someone here happens to see one or both of these girls. I am aquainted with the family of one of these girls and as would be expected they are really torn up over it. I know the families would appreciate it if you could help spread this information. Thanks in advance for any help provided.

    The Missing teenagers

    Johnna Layne Brown is 16, 5-feet-1-inch tall, weighs 130 pounds, has brown eyes and blond hair.
    Bethany ''Katie'' Donaldson is 17, 5-feet-7-inches tall, weighs 130 pounds, has blue eyes and brown hair.
    The two were last seen in Brown's white 1994 Chevrolet Camaro, bearing a Tennessee personalized license plate that says: ''JOHNNAB.''

    Anyone with information about the girls should call the Dickson County Sheriff's Office at 615-789-4130.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 31, 2003
  2. buickman69

    buickman69 Retired Buick Enthusiast

    I'll always keep an eye out, hope they turn-up ok.

  3. Marvin's65

    Marvin's65 In progress :|


    It would help if you had pic's Ronnie, i personally dont live in that area but i'm sure the people that do will sure keep an eye out. Sorry to hear the news...
  4. buickman69

    buickman69 Retired Buick Enthusiast

    Re: pic

    They had their pics on the news for the last several days. I think I can pull them of the local news web-site. I remember seeing the car, I think it's a Z and i'd notice that for sure.

  5. The pics can be seen at the link listed. Sorry to hear this, I hope they turn up ok.
  6. DugsSin

    DugsSin Well-Known Member

    We love TN and whenever I see a plate from there I usually say "Hi" to the folks as most people from there are friendly. I'll be watching for them up here.
  7. evil16v

    evil16v Midwest Buick Mafia

  8. littlebear72_91

    littlebear72_91 Active Member

    eyes will be open in memphis
  9. buickman69

    buickman69 Retired Buick Enthusiast

    They ARE RUNAWAYS!!!

    THE STORY @ 6:00

  10. Marvin's65

    Marvin's65 In progress :|

    Is that what the news said?
    i ask because i dont do news much, i get off of work to late to watch the earlie news and i go to sleep to early to watch the late news.
    keep me posted!
  11. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    I hope that means they are alive and well! I'd rather there be issues like that to work out rather than abduction
  12. buickman69

    buickman69 Retired Buick Enthusiast

    They called home late Friday night when they heard about the big search and candle light schindig.

    The local cops a filing charges aginst them for running away and the families have hired a attorney.

    That's all the info the news had for now. It showed video clips of them with their parents and they are fine and healthy.

  13. buickman69

    buickman69 Retired Buick Enthusiast

  14. Marvin's65

    Marvin's65 In progress :|

    You should be a news reporter "Buickman"

    thanks for the update
  15. buickman69

    buickman69 Retired Buick Enthusiast

    lol, anytime!
  16. evil16v

    evil16v Midwest Buick Mafia

    Not cool. Police power could be used in better ways. Good that they are safe though.
  17. Marvin's65

    Marvin's65 In progress :|

    MANNNNN if i pulled a stunt like that on my parent's....ahhh man i would get it. I would be calling the police for back up after my mom got a hold of me.

    I would get a Ghetto Wuppen!! :moonu: :spank:

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