1970 GS 455 distributor #1111984 9G 14, restored F/S

Discussion in 'Products' started by techg8, May 28, 2017.

  1. techg8

    techg8 The BS GS

    Last edited: May 28, 2017
  2. OHC JOE

    OHC JOE Mullet Mafia since 2020

    What do you charge to rebuild these if I send you my original distributor from a 70 gs 455 I have an electronic conversion kit for it
  3. techg8

    techg8 The BS GS

    right now its $150 shipped. I will install the conversion kit and test it on the 504 machine, tune whatever advance curve you want.
  4. BuickV8Mike

    BuickV8Mike SD Buick Fan

    Both mechanical and vacuum? What numbers are required to fully define the advance curve?

  5. techg8

    techg8 The BS GS

    Generally speaking, people want X degrees of mechanical advance in by Y rpm, with Z degrees of vacuum advance.
  6. techg8

    techg8 The BS GS


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