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A listing of all usernames of those who help support this board.
Your opinion counts here. Let it be known. We will vote on board changes here. The majority rules!
It is not as complicated as it looks. Ask questions about the site or leave tips here, I got the manual with it!
This is an introduction forum, for those of you who are new to the board, the Buick V8, or the cars in general. Introduce yourself here, so we can get to know 'ya!
Pull up some pine, and let's talk it out. Anything goes here, as long as it "jives" with the tone of this board, which is family oriented, and is Buick related.
Share your tips and tricks with us! If you have found a better way to do something, clue us in here!
Under this main heading, you will find all the specific info about buick club events, and other events and racing series.
A collection of the more commonly asked questions.
You get to hear excuses like "my engine got filled with rainwater" and "his tires were 0.001" too big"
For the early Buick lovers out there. Any and all questions concerning the pre-64 Buicks.
How to find those "secret" or rare parts to fit your Buick. What fits what and easy conversions
For all you ladies: even the "better looking racers amoung us". A forum just for you! Enjoy!
Our "Hall of Fame", for our members to post a picture and buildup on their cars.
Get the latest information and how to's on Buick Model and Die Cast Cars.
Some issues need divine intervention, some things can't be fixed with a hammer..
Share prayer requests here. No religious based political discussion please.
Building your GS motor? Ask all questions relating to the late big block here.
The who, what, where, and how of screamin' race big blocks.
Curioius about the little brother? Ask here how to get your 215/300/340/350 some respect!
Pop Kennedy and TV-Tommy could make 'em run. You can too! Get the lowdown on the most underrated Buick motor here...who needs wedge heads?
All your carburetor questions, for race and street motors.
AKA.. "Sonny, that one of those there "Domination" carbs you got there?"..
This forum is for those brave souls who have ventured into the Turbos, FI, , blowers, Nitrous, and other non-conventional tech.
Ask all your auto trans and torque converter questions here.
A home for your G-machine Buick A or G body.
For gear grinders only, all your manual trans questions.
Too much gear? Not enough? Discuss all your rear end and driveshaft questions here.
Stop that heavy beast! Get the brake info you need here. Need to work the twisties, or figure out how to transfer some weight? -- talk over your suspension and steering setups here.
Wheel and tire info here.
Talk chassis setup, gears, trans/converter, or any other aspect of a 10 inch tire, back halved or full tube wonder.
How to fix that wiring mess! And put in cool tunes!
Jump in and crank up the A/C. If it dosen't work, ask questions and stay cool!!
Found a STG motor, or BB trans?.. paperwork that does not belong to your car. This forum is for listing those parts/items, to attempt to locate someone with the car they belong to.
All you need to know about paint and bodywork.
Are you sure that is supposed to be painted? All your general chassis resto questions.
Dash, seat, carpets, and everything else inside. Ask here.
For all you wind in your hair guys!
Any convertible related question.
Documentation Info ..If the line workers had any idea how important those sheets of paper that they just tossed anywhere would be..
What parts do we want to make. And let's talk out how it can get done.
A forum for our unit body friends.. The Buick Apollo and later model Skylarks
This section dedicated to the memory of Dave Dixon, one of it's first moderators, and friend to all here. He was taken away from us too soon. 12-10-03 -- Rest in Peace Dave.
Buick's full size cars rule. Acres of sheet metal, smooooth ride, and fast! Rivs, Invicta's Cats, Centurions, Lesabres and the 225..
Talk the tech here.
Mom should have had it so good!
Getting there is half the fun! This forum for all questions and chat pertaining to tow vehicles, trailers, and equipment. Ask away!
Everything you want to know about Buick powered Jeeps.
"Really, it still has the factory spark plugs in it". Mmnnn..
A hangout spot for general chat and bench racing for all our non-Buick friends.
For vehicles of all makes, that "appear" stock.
Buick Performance Racing Engines and components
Your Leader In Buick Automotive Engine Parts
Parts and supplies for 1936 and newer Buicks
Everyday Performance For Your Cruiser / Muscle Machine.
Stainless Trim Polishing
Mechanical Work
Paint Restoration
Inspections in the St. Louis area
Some of the best engineered products were made right in our own back yards. If you supply unique products from your own garage and do not have a business, go ahead and post these for sale items here. This section also a "catch all" for private services offered, such as tuning and transport.
Take advantage of discount pricing when you do business with other members that have group purchasing power. If you have a group purchase that you would like to arrange with other members, please post them here.
This forum is for requests and replies for free or substantially below market value parts. Got a rare part, that collecting dust, and you want to offer it to help out one of your buddies? This is the place.
"A good deed never goes unpaid"
This section is for leads on cars or parts you may see elsewhere on the internet or in local publications. Strickly for cars and parts for sale, that you don't own. To sell your car or parts, post an ad in the proper forum.
Post your good or bad experiences from doing business in these classified sections here. Please, be courteous and professional
Talk about parts and Cars on Ebay here.
PLEASE READ THE POSTING POLICY BEFORE PLACING ADS!!!!! Also, try posting ads in our new section V8Classifieds.
PLEASE READ THE POSTING POLICY BEFORE PLACING ADS!!!!! Also, try posting ads in our new section V8Classifieds.
That makes 2 of us... I want one of each. But you might find it here, and it never hurts to ask.
"Parts is Parts"
NEW!!!! Post ads for cars that you want to part out. PLEASE READ THE POSTING POLICY BEFORE PLACING ADS!!!!!