you can find a buick V8 in the strangest of places!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by angelman, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. angelman

    angelman Well-Known Member

    I went to death valley at the weekend. What an incredible place. Anyway got to the motel and there lined up were a bunch of English Morgan cars. I dont know if any of you are aware of these incredible cars but they are powered by the trusty Rover/Buick V8.
    They are still hand made with a WOODEN frame. Even the new aero8 still retains a wooden frame, which look even better in real life than in the pictures.
    I was so excited to see these great cars in such an incredible setting, and even more freaked out to see their UK licence plates so far from home. Cant help to put a smile on your face :)

    and yes these are NOT old cars but almost brand new!
  2. 70 gsconvt

    70 gsconvt Silver Level contributor

    Hi, my father is REALLY into Morgans. I have actually been to the factory in Malvern Link, England. Just to clarify, the actual frame itself is not made out of wood. But most of the other structural members are, and are made out of ash, I believe. You can see this in the pics in the last link.

    The engine is the Rover 215 V8. Based on Buick's 215 V8. They came with factory dual Stromburg carbs and were rated around 200 HP. I have seen ones here in the US that people have rebuilt like a good, old-fashioned American muscle car, have dual webers and have somewhere near 350 HP! And these cars weigh in at just about 2100 lbs.

    These cars, especially the +8 and new Aero 8 (has BMW M5 engine in it with around 400 HP) are quick. These cars will generally get to 60mph in around 4-5 seconds. They will wipe the floor up with new Corvettes. However, like most cars of that vintage design, once they get up over 100 mph or so, they become a scary ride. So watch out if one of these ever pulls up next to you, it just may surprise you.
  3. angelman

    angelman Well-Known Member

    one of the people in the rally was telling me that one of their number had their car totalled by some moron in an suv who just rammed straight into the back of him at a stop light. The poor little morgan was crushed from behind and rammed into the back of a pick up truck which did not notice the little sports car stuck under his tail. The pickup drove off without even realising. Forunately everyone got out ok, that ash kept the driver and passenger alive in the impact and saved them from any injury. Sadly the rest of the car was completely wrecked. A sad way to end a childhood dream of touring route66...

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