Worst Grammar Ever

Discussion in 'Ebay Parts and Cars' started by damonwil, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. damonwil

    damonwil Well-Known Member

  2. John Diaz

    John Diaz Silver Level contributor

    It's called "functionally illiterate." If it were a Buick, I would have guessed it was Tom Larkin.

    Attached Files:

  3. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    Functionally illiterate??? --- naw - he's a California high school grad.
  4. i am bad as well but that just brought tears to my eyes
    my wife could not believe it
  5. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    How can someone who writes so poorly manage to use a computer? I just had to send that to a few people I know.
  6. Tunerz

    Tunerz Stuck with a 71 lesabre

    Sorry people as much as I like to laugh at others, something about this guys ad seems off. Maybe I'm pay to much attention to minor details but read (or reread) the guys ad.
    Notice how the spelling is all done by ear (ie. "Tha") and the fact that several words "run right intothere followingword". This points at someone who has a great deal of difficulty typing (ie. has to find the letter on the keyboard first, then push it and begin looking for the next one) , this person honestly strikes me a someone with a handicap, not just a college kid drunk or stoned. And in all fairness I can't laugh at people who at least make an attempt at doing something, handicap or not. Even if it's a poorly written ad on ebay.
  7. GS-XNR

    GS-XNR Well-Known Member

  8. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    I don't know - I've worked with handicapped individuals, and although typing may be a chore, they typically make an effort to spell correctly. With a computer, they'll have many shortcuts to make typing easier, and certain typos impossible. Just a thought.
  9. Tunerz

    Tunerz Stuck with a 71 lesabre

    It was just a thought, my sister is quite slow to type, as she's handicapped. However she's considerably smarter and quicker then I in many other things and she's only 12!
  10. MR.BUICK

    MR.BUICK Guest

    Tom Larkin is actually a guy in the discuise of a person called "Ron M.", :puzzled: but at least Tom Larkin is a good myth. Yes, I thought that was Tom Larkin when I first read it, but then I noticed that Tom Larkin Spels lIek dis insted of dA ceLler. :grin:
  11. John Diaz

    John Diaz Silver Level contributor

    :beer I'm with you, Truzi.

    BTW, I know who Tom Larkin was, and he will be SORELY missed, IMHO! Come back, Tom!
  12. 70 gsconvt

    70 gsconvt Silver Level contributor

    I noticed that the only time he was able to use punctuation was when talking about the deposit amount.

    It does say that you can email him for a better deescrepshun.

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