wiring aftermarket tach

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by Dantes Inferno, Feb 3, 2007.

  1. Dantes Inferno

    Dantes Inferno Freetard

    76 buick century.

    Where do I hook up the wire that measures rpm on the dist? There is a thing called TACHBAT on the dist. not sure how she gos.

  2. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    You're looking in the right place. On the side of the distributor cover that says TACH you'll find a male spade terminal waiting for you. You can run a wire from the tachometer with a female terminal that will attach easily.

    The slick way to go is to get the proper plastic connector, depending on which cover you have...see http://www.ronfrancis.com/wiringaids.htm

  3. Dantes Inferno

    Dantes Inferno Freetard

    This one?


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