wire wound resistor values on the guage for fuel, oil and tempemp, and oil

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by SCOTTFISHER, Aug 19, 2009.


    SCOTTFISHER Well-Known Member

    Anyone know what the wire wound resistor values should be on the guage for Generator, parking indicator, Fuel, oil, and temperature?
    I have three of them.
    I know they are for the meter movement.
    Two of them measure ~ 38 Ohms, and the other for the Hot Cold meter is 144 Ohms.
    I suspect 144 ohms is for the gas, or maybe not the right value?
    What should they really be?
    Are these the correct values?
    Can I replace them with precision resistors?
    Thanks in advance as I don't have a schematic.

    <center><img src="http://images.scottfisher.multiply.com/image/2/photos/11/400x400/50/GS-011.jpg?et=4jR6V04F5TFKgbgKJSS0pw&nmid=128721847width="900" align="center"></center><center>
    Picture Above of my 1971 Guage in the Instrument cluster </center>

    <center><img src="http://images.scottfisher.multiply.com/image/1/photos/11/400x400/100/resisor-on-guage-GS.jpg?et=wPcHBjo2X%2BcACQ4jfstxlA&nmid=227551223width="900" align="center"></center>
    <center>Picture Above is an example of the resistors on a 1970 or 1972 with one resistor, mine has three resistors. </center>

    <center><div style="width:300px;"><object width="300" height="110"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="never"><param name="movie" value="http://media.imeem.com/m/dreTMj06bM"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><embed allowscriptaccess="never" src="http://media.imeem.com/m/dreTMj06bM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="110" wmode="transparent"></object></div></center>

    SCOTTFISHER Well-Known Member

    :TU: The resistance should be ~ 42 Ohms on all three current limiting resistors for your meter movements.

    This will cause your meter movements to be bad on the stock guages if not.

    I replaced the bad one. It literally was burnt to the trace.
    I'll see if I can get a picture.
    I'm sure you all have these in your car.


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