Why we can't talk politics

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Jim Weise, Oct 31, 2021.

  1. Fox's Den

    Fox's Den 355Xrs

    You Ain't a lyin there buddy that is exactly right That is why I bought a new set of speakers and sub and fired up those 40 yr old albums ROCK ON !! 300 wats of smoke

    should I fire up a fatty and drop a hit of acid to get it all to work? lol
    pbr400 likes this.
  2. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    Technology? Actually I was thinking about how unifying it was. Millions watching the events unfold and rooting for success. The whole apollo programs had its ups and downs in popularity, but that was the one that really pulled people together.
  3. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    I agree, but there are some who believe it never happened, that it was a Hollywood set.:) Just saying.
    GSX 554 likes this.
  4. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    The defense department has always relied on the private sector for much of its scientific advances through R&D funding. The goal of every national laboratory (did you know we have 17 of them?) is to transfer the technology they develop to a private company through licenses or patents. University labs spin of companies too, Bose was a lab project at MIT. Did you know Intellectual Property is protected in the Constitution?
  5. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    Music can unite - for example any world Stones tour - even Cuba! Stones, man!

    Look at the crowds in Rio!
    pbr400 likes this.
  6. Larkster68

    Larkster68 Well-Known Member

    Be sure to bring up politics at Thanksgiving dinner. It's going to save you a lot of money on Christmas gifts!
    docgsx, FLGS400, m louk and 1 other person like this.
  7. 72STAGE1

    72STAGE1 STAGE 1 & 2

    5 pages of talking about NOT talking about Politics, ironic!

    I would much rather see a Ban on threads about LS swapping a Buick!
    bignastyGS, NotRyan and GKMoz like this.
  8. 73 Stage-1

    73 Stage-1 Dave

    You're point is that the private sector is responsible for defense research? If it wasn't for expensive things like war and the space race, the necessity needed wouldn't have be there to create many of the advancements... or at the very least , when they did.

    It takes both, private and public sectors...
  9. 72STAGE1

    72STAGE1 STAGE 1 & 2

    1947 Roswell provided more technology than we’ll ever know……just sayin’.
    1969RIVI likes this.
  10. HotRodRivi

    HotRodRivi Tomahawks sighted overseas

    When reading headlines, you can figure out which is going to be an opinion piece or something real from the headline. As soon as you start reading realize how its tickling your mind. How is the writer drawing you in emotionally. Are you learning something or are you feeling something. As soon as you start feeling something realize it. Then you know how to react to it. Preferably not how the writer wants you to.
  11. Briz

    Briz Founders Club Member

    Bill and Ted solved world peace!
    pbr400 and 12lives like this.
  12. GSX 554

    GSX 554 Gold Level Contributor

    And a lot of angry young men too
  13. 1969RIVI

    1969RIVI Well-Known Member

    There's just alot of angry restless people right now period, not age or gender related at all. Covid has everyone with their fists up ready to throw down (on the keyboard or real life) over any little spat. I also love how this post has changed course and for what I think is the better. I wish I was around for the space race and all the "new" technological break throughs that half you guys got to experience. I mean it was quite the time for our spieces really. Today's science is quite impressive too, like one tiny chip the size of a rice grain can operate a nuclear sub from half way across the world........mind blown!! Lol:D:p
  14. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    And a lot of clueless, spoiled brats that have been coddled their whole lives.
    Mister T, Briz and GKMoz like this.
  15. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    Can someone lock this thread about not talking about politics?
  16. Quick Buick

    Quick Buick Arlington Wa

    Nah lets just turn it into a UFO vs Bigfoot thread.....2nd thought Godzilla vs King Kong..
    FLGS400 and sean Buick 76 like this.
  17. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley RIP Staff Member

    Wadda you mean, Sean? You've got the key. LOL. Just jerking your chain a little.
  18. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    For some reason I don't have permission to lock threads?
  19. NZ GS 400

    NZ GS 400 Gold Level Contributor

    In some applications you need threadlocker (red or blue), others you don't.
    pbr400 and FLGS400 like this.
  20. GKMoz

    GKMoz Gary / Moz

    I'd say? Lack of maturity is the number one reason we can't discuss subjects that will now or later affect our lives?
    Quick Buick and Mike Trom like this.

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