Who's turn is it to hit the snooze button?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by custom, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. custom

    custom Well-Known Member

  2. 73-462GS

    73-462GS GS Mike

    Probably let it slip.-Mike D.
  3. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    this is hardly the first time the chi-comms have engaged in saber rattling. it doesn't get reported over here very often because if someone says something in a non-english language our 'professional' news people usually don't consider it to be 'news worthy'.

    and what does he mean 'if the US attacks his country over Taiwan'? if they don't try to land troops on Taiwan / start bombing Taiwan then we won't be 'attacking' China ... which he damn well knows.

    besides, those dipsh@ts can hardly get a rocket off the pad much less accurately target 'hundreds' of american cities. and if they can't hit us with ballistics they're pretty much screwed because there's no way they're going to get a large flight of bombers in here.

    i consider North Korea to be as much/more of a credible nuclear threat and they can barely reach Washington state... :sleep:
  4. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Don't know about the launch-pad thing. They've been to space and are planning a second trip.
  5. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    Hasn't Korea lost a LOTTA lil' rocket toys n the last few years? :laugh:
  6. JimJames

    JimJames Well-Known Member

    Brrr! Seem's to be getting cold again... :puzzled:
  7. Darryl Roederer

    Darryl Roederer Life is good

    The space thing was acomplished ENTIRELY with Russian equipment and technology.
  8. I firmly believe that China has a plan for world domination. :shock:
  9. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    True, forgot about that - though Russia needs the money, who knows what else they're selling.

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