Who's going to the "NORTHEAST Chapter X-MAS" Party this Sat. Nite 1/15/05 ???????

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Tufbuick, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    "THE THREE STOOGES WILL BE THERE" !!!!!!!!!!! ( Larry, Curly and Moe )


    :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank: :spank:
  2. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    I may crash the party. I'm always up for a few yuk yuks. I have to renew my membership too. I renew it every fifteen years whether it need it or not! :laugh:

  3. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    I think Big Doug is at the point where, if you owe your Dues, as soon as you walk in the door, he's gonna snatch you, turn you upside down, and shake, until enough money falls out :laugh: Forewarned, and Forearmed :Brow: Se ya there, Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk.
  4. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    Doug will turn Jason upside down and shake him like a (NEW) Bottle of Heinz Tomato Ketchup !!!

    .......................................................*If I were you I'd send my dues in NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. 9secStage1

    9secStage1 Worlds Fastest GS Stage 1

    Should be a blast, we're going to have the big screen playing the Massholes's CD. Also I heard Yardley is making it up along with John Schmidt, Greg Gessler, Rob Chilenski, we'll have to see about Scotty and his crew as they ussually show up. Lots of door prices and tons of food.

    See ya there!

    Oh Mooney, Doug already shook me down after the Buick Performance Weekend, so I'm in the clear :laugh:
  6. stagetwo65

    stagetwo65 Wheelie King

    I SMELL MONEY!! :spank: GIMMEE, GIMMEE, GIMMEE!! :laugh:
  7. killrbuick66455

    killrbuick66455 Well-Known Member

    Ill Go If Money Is Accepted At The Door :tu:
  8. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    Doug, I know where he lives! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :TU:
  9. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Thanks alot Larry!!! nice guy.....ready to throw me to the wolves!! :moonu: :moonu:
  10. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    PAY UP! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  11. Harold Rolls

    Harold Rolls Well-Known Member


    :3gears: :3gears: :3gears: ME :3gears: :3gears: :3gears:
  12. RED GS 1

    RED GS 1 Well-Known Member

    The Voss's will be there. :beer :beer :beer :grin: :grin:
  13. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    I'll be there.

    Like always, we'll have a great time.
  14. Johnno

    Johnno ASSHOLE

    I believe there will be a few Massholes in attendance!
  15. Roberta

    Roberta Buick Berta


    Hey Guys, have a great time, and don't believe everything Doug tells you about the Michigan Christmas party! Was great to have him there, and Rod and Danie' and Lawrence and the crew from IL. I hope to see you all on April 9, as I just made my hotel reservations for your 25th anniversary party! Will RSVP as soon, as I know if I have a sidekick interested, she has a dress she didn't wear for a wedding that didn't happen, so maybe I can talk her into it! And then again, I haven't had a dress on since 1992 when got married, so maybe it's time, TMI! Later, Love to all, and have a really good time!
  16. Buickwagon

    Buickwagon Wagon's Rule!

    Aluminum Stage 1 heads!!!

    I'll be there picking up some bling-bling for the wagon from Mr. Gessler!! :grin: :grin: :grin:
  17. john campbell

    john campbell MASSHOLE

    is Mr Gessler dressing as Santa Clause this year? i believe he's bringing christmas joy to a few good little Buick boys. :laugh:
  18. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Sorry Gang. I HAD planned on attending until I saw it was a THREE hour drive instead of two. An overnighter just can't fit in the budget. But my kharma will be with you!
  19. Carl Rychlik

    Carl Rychlik Let Buick Light Your Fire

    Three hours? Aw C'mon,you can easily make it in two!!!! (put that Stage 1 engine in your Riv through it's paces!) :3gears:

    :laugh: :laugh:

    P.S. We'll miss you there,but we appreciate your thoughts.
    How's this: we'll eat and drink for you!!!
  20. Tufbuick

    Tufbuick Guest

    Hey Yards, if you ask him real nice, maybe Carl will swing down to PA. and pick you and DOLLY up..............

    Just let DOLLY sit up front on Carls lap for the ride to the party!!!!!!!! :grin: :laugh: :grin: :laugh: :laugh: :grin: :laugh:

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