who will figure it out first?

Discussion in 'Street/strip 400/430/455' started by msc66, Sep 10, 2009.


Who will get their car fixed first, msc66 or Yardley?

  1. msc66

    1 vote(s)
  2. yardley

    4 vote(s)
  1. msc66

    msc66 still no vacuum

    Seems like Yards and I both have quite the conundrum with our cars so I thought I'd lighten the mood a little with a poll. Maybe I should make it a wager where everyone that votes is in for a dollar and whichever side loses donates their buck to the board. Either way, read our threads if you haven't already and vote.
  2. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I was wondering when you'd mention that.

    Hope you get yours sorted soon.
  3. DaWildcat

    DaWildcat Platinum Level Contributor

    Not fair.

    I wish you both good solutions/fixes/happiness what have you.

    No vote here.

  4. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car


    I can't speak for you, but I've known Yards for years and I've NEVER heard such exasperation in his voice. I hope you both get your problems sorted out (as Devon stated above). Chasing gremlins is no fun, especially when you're throwing a lot of time and money into the problem.

    Yards, I talked to Nick and I know he talked to you- let's yank out that motor and get it on a dyno. Tell me when and I'm there to help. Don't make us kick your a$$ into gear like you would to us! :cool:

    Miike, I certainly hope you have an "aha" moment soon.

    Remember, this is supposed to be a hobby and, therefore, fun. When it stops being fun, it's no longer a hobby, just another one of life's aggravations....
  5. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I have a feeling it isn't in the engine itself.

    We'll see. It may come to that.

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