White '70 GSX on ebay

Discussion in 'Ebay Parts and Cars' started by Big Bufford, Jun 13, 2005.

  1. Blaze333

    Blaze333 Craig B.

    :eek2: wow! $39,000.00
  2. Big Bufford

    Big Bufford Well-Known Member

    I can't believe this car sold for less than $14K more than the yellow one :eek2: . What a bargain somebody got here.
  3. Mr Big

    Mr Big Silver Level contributor

    Yes indeed......you would be hard pressed to prep that yellow car for paint with the 14k difference.

    I said it before... be patient, a good buy can be had even in todays crazy market.
  4. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    What do you want to bet we see it again soon with a much higher reserve.
  5. 1nadrag

    1nadrag Well-Known Member

    $39,000 seems kind of high to me when it doesn't have the original engine.
  6. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    After the 25,412 bid on theyellow pile of parts ( barely resembles a GSX) that may or may not have the original engine , I am guessing that this one will be selling for a lot more when it reappears
  7. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor

    It was bought by a guy out of the Chicago area who also has a convertible???? Maybe John Berdini?????
  8. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    I was thinking the same thing Chris . He probably has it sold already .John bought a oddball 70 455 convert that is lavender . You got to be real secure of your manhood to drive that one . Oh to have that kind of cash sitting around waiting for the car . Maybe I need to sell everything and just wait till it comes along .
  9. cjp69

    cjp69 Gold Level Contributor


    I think I remember seeing that car before, it was a really rare (becuase no one ordered it) mauve color. I think John still has the 3 speed Stage 1 convertible too.

    I have that kind of money sitting around, unfortunately it is from the monopoly game! :Brow:

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