Which way does wiper linkage go?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by tubecatgs, Jul 6, 2023.

  1. tubecatgs

    tubecatgs Finally a 4 speed......

    Forgot to take a picture but looks like it could go either way... extra holes on top as in pic #1 or extra holes on bottom as in pic #2. Thanks.

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  2. tubecatgs

    tubecatgs Finally a 4 speed......

    Anyone? :) thanks
  3. Utah455

    Utah455 Platinum Level Contributor

    I was trying to find some pictures form when I tore down my 70 GS, but all I found was this picture of it laying on the ground. My assumption is that's how I took it out so I wouldn't forget.
    So it has those extra holes on the bottom.

    I tried to look on the car but it's covered up. So I took a picture from the outside. Based on that you can see where the gear stud comes out the hole of the body and see that it's closer to the top of the hole. Line up the mounting holes with the little holes to the bottom and see if the offset is the same.

    EDIT: I found my assembly manual and it shows down.



    Last edited: Jul 7, 2023
    bostoncat68 and tubecatgs like this.
  4. tubecatgs

    tubecatgs Finally a 4 speed......

    Awesome. Thank you sooooooo much!
    Utah455 likes this.
  5. Utah455

    Utah455 Platinum Level Contributor

    No problem. V8 has helped me out tremendously over the past 4 yrs to restore mine. I’m glad I can help out.
    tubecatgs likes this.

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