which pertronix coil?

Discussion in 'Small Block Tech' started by greg_moreira, Mar 31, 2005.

  1. greg_moreira

    greg_moreira Well-Known Member

    Ok, so now that Ive got most everything sorted out I started ordering what I want. I ran across a little bump in the road though. One of the posters in the other thread mentioned that the pertronix flamethrower coil likes 12 volts, so I have to bypass the resistor in the coil feed wire. No prob there, but I was looking at the coil and pertronix sells two versions of the flame thrower coil(not the flame thrower 2, just two versions of the flame thrower). One coil has 1.5 ohms primary resistance, and the other has 3 ohms primary resistance, and one is meant for a 6 volt system and the other for a 12 volt. I am assuming that if I bought the coil with the higher resistance(3 ohms) I would definitely have to bypass the resistor, but If I get the lower 1.5 ohm resistance coil, it would go in without bypassing anything. But, I could be completely incorrect and pertronix website doesnt specify which ohm load coil is intended to work with what electrical system, so I was hoping you guys would know what resistance flame thrower coil I should get along with my pertronix ignitor kit which will be used in a 66 buick skylark with the 2 barrel wildcat 310 motor. Also, depending on the coil will I still have to bypass the resistor or will the proper coil make it so that I dont have to. Its not a problem either way, but Id just like to know that I got the most correct coil and hooked everything up correctly the first time. Thanks again guys.
  2. Sportwagon400

    Sportwagon400 Well-Known Member

    If you have the regular pertronix system not the pertronics 2 Then you MUST use the 1.5 ohm coil or any coil that is only 1.5 ohms IF you use a 3.0 ohm coil you will fry the unit in a matter of seconds. The pertronics 2 is made to use with 3.0 ohm coils or most after market high output coils it does say this in the instructions in most cases. So to recap if you have the pertronics ( i think 1804 ) use a coil with 1.5 ohms only stock or flame thrower if you have the pertronics 11 ( 2 ) then you can use any coil you want


    I think this is correct i sold these units a few years ago and work well but i will be using a crane unit I like it better

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