wheel adapters?

Discussion in 'The Hides' started by FreeBird, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. FreeBird

    FreeBird Free Spirit

    Are wheel adapters any good? What do you guys think? Anyone here using them?

    I can get a cheap set of ralley wheels over here in my country. They need some TLC but that's not my main concern. It has the 'big car' lug pattern, 5x5". And my Century has the 5x4.75" lug pattern. I've seen 4.75" to 5" adapters.
    I somehow don't like the idea of messing around with stuff like this (things concerning safety like brakes and wheel mountings). So I'd like to hear what you guys think of such adapters.

    And yes, I am aware of the fact that 5x4.75" Buick ralley wheels excist. But they are hard to find, specially overhere.
  2. 70sLark

    70sLark Well-Known Member

    wheel adapters can be used and can be very safe the problem is they take up room so the rim will be pushed out.

    Find out how thick the adapters are gonna be first.

    last I seen some where on a show Firebird and they were 2-3in thick but they were fine as they had lots of back spacing that kept the rims in the fenders.
    Think they were some special one offs and had no choice or spent allot to make new ones. BUt the car was a daily driver / weekend racer. Was on TV once.

    All ref 3rd gen firebird, red n chome all over, redraif is her nick name on TGO.
  3. FreeBird

    FreeBird Free Spirit

    I've been looking on Ebay, and someone sells a whole bunch of these adapters. All kinds of lug spacing. They are 1.25" thick.

    I'm not affraid the wheels will stick out of the fenders. These big bodied A-bodies have lots of room inside the fenders. Right now I have 255-60 tires all around. And all nice and well inside the fenders. And the ralley wheels are not as wide as the wheels I have now (some 80's Centerline-ish wheels). Looks good though, but I just love the Buick ralley wheels also! :TU:

    I just hope I don't mess up any wheel alignment geometry too much (you always alter this at least a little of course) and cause excessive wear or something.
  4. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    I thought they would be thicker than 1.25" because they have to clear your current lugs right?
    So how ever log the studs are now is the min depth you would need...
    unless you pressed them out and put in shorter ones?
    Maybe Im wrong..

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