Whats with all the Texans?

Discussion in 'Wet behind the ears??' started by buickbonehead, Dec 11, 2003.

  1. buickbonehead

    buickbonehead WOT Baby!

    Thats right! Here's another Texan. Proud owner of a '65 Wildcat
    convertible. I even tracked down some NOS '65 Texas plates. Had her about 6 months. I live in the Sugarland area.
  2. 71GSX455-4SPD

    71GSX455-4SPD Nick Serwo Magic Car

    Everything in Texas is Big; Buick=Big, therefore, Texans drive Big Buicks?

    That's my theory. :)

    :Do No:
  3. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    What does "Lone Star" mean? Is Texas a part of this country?
  4. TXGS

    TXGS Paint by numbers 70 GS 455 4spd

    Texas is it's own country:shock: but we hang out with the rest of yall to make you feel good, :rolleyes:

    Ken - I think you got it right. I think the oil boom of the time also helped... people could afford to drive buicks
  5. Topless64-455

    Topless64-455 Well-Known Member

    Texas has its own power grid!!!!!

    The US is divided into 3 major power grids. East, West and Texas. Texas uses more electricty than any other state and it is almost double of the 2nd place state of California. This all came to "light" during "The Black Out" this year.

    Hey I kinda like my pun
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2003
  6. android

    android Member

    Texas- Its bigger than France-

    glad to see another Texan Wildcat owner-
  7. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    What do people who live in Houston think of people from Dallas?
  8. buickman70

    buickman70 I pirated this pic!!!

    Re: Texas has its own power grid!!!!!

    I hope you are talking electricity usage and not land because there is that big chunk of land way up north that we bought off of Ruusha(as larry the cable guy would say) for a bargain price that has 656,424 sq. mi. Texas is a distant 2nd with 'only 267,277 sq mi'.:Smarty:
  9. 67AFONE

    67AFONE -Ron

    Texas rules! I hope the rest of you Texans like me out there can understand my pain in being stationed in Arkansas! Just want to say again,Texas rules!
  10. Jack Freeman

    Jack Freeman Well-Known Member

    Born in Central Texas, raised in West Texas and live in Houston. Been here all my life, except for 3 years in Denver as a newly wed. Texas is more than a place or a state. It's a life style and a state of mind. For example, football down here isn't a sport, it's a religious experience! Folks in West Texas either talk football or just watch the dust blow by. (borrowed that one!)

    My theory on all the Buicks is the nice weather. I can drive my GS year 'round. I think that advantage motivates a lot of people to buy muscle cars. I'm not sure there are more Buicks vs other brands, just more muscle cars in total, thus more Buicks. Merry Christmas ya'll. :grin:
  11. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    That they're idiots who can't drive. Like Houston traffic is something to admire - bumper-to-bumper traffic doing 85mph, and here comes an Escort Wagon across all 8 lanes!

    But then, out hyar in "Wayest Tayexas" think you'd have to be plum crazy to live in either place, there's no "Ayelbow Room". It used to be said that if you could hear your neighbor fire a rifle, it was getting too crowded.

    James in Abilene (NOT Kansas!!!)

    ps: 67AFONE, I truly feel for you. Driving through Arkansas is enough of a pain in the arse, let alone living there.

    pps: Trivia question: What did/does "GTT" mean, and how was it used?
  12. northcorner

    northcorner Guess what I'm thinking..

    proud to be born and raised in central texas. i'm not sure if everyone else knows this, but so far, texas is the only state to kick another country's ass. (circa 1836)
  13. 75Riv

    75Riv A.K.A. Harry Clamshell

    A fortnight holiday in the Lone Star state (Ft. Hood) convinced me as European. :grin:

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