Whats that noise??

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 12lives, Oct 28, 2002.

  1. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    Another Bimmer....whats with these folks?

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    Woman driver on a cell phone ............... say no more!!:eek2:
  3. CyberBuick

    CyberBuick What she used to be....

    You wonder how people do these kinda of things.. I mean, one would think everyone at the station would be yelling their heads off at her whlie the station attendant ran for the shutoff switch. :puzzled:
  4. JET455

    JET455 I'm a work in progress!

    Atleast most stations intalled safty valves that pull apart and shut the fuel off when people do this. I saw it happen a few weeks ago at the shell station! :jd:

    Lady driver!:laugh: She never stopped kept going!:Dou:

    These kinda people are why we have all these stuipid warning signs Somebody had to do it first!
  5. CyberBuick

    CyberBuick What she used to be....

    I think one of the best useless warnings is on Coffee cups.. I mean, IT'S COFFEE for cryin out loud!

    I've never seen anything like that happen. I have seen car fires @ stations as well as one time someone ran into a gas pump.
  6. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    You'd be surprized how often people take off with the nozzle. (Usually this happened during rush hour - before my shift.) When I worked at a gas station I always told those who prepaid to make sure they replaced the nozzle before they left.

    One time I even stressed it (must have gotten some "vibes") but the guy filled up and took the nozzle with him. He came back about 15 minutes later after he noticed the nozzle in his side mirror. Hey, at least he brought it back.
  7. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    In 1979, when I was a Petroleum Transfer Engineer, I had some yutz in a VW do this to me. Luckily the nozzle shut off and ejected from his tank. Thank God it didn't spark when it pulled out!

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