What's a good concrete stain remover?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 67AFONE, Aug 21, 2004.

  1. 67AFONE

    67AFONE -Ron

    Hey guys, need some real help here. Looking to move out of my base house soon and I noticed over the past two years I have really messed my driveway up,oops. What can I say, I love to work on cars and I used to be a very sloppy person. Now I have learned the importance of keeping it clean and taking your time. But how do I get those stains out? Is it possible to on those older ones? What have you used that works? Any chirp in would be much appreciated. Thanks

    THEGSX Professional 66 GS Nut !!

    Thre is a orange powder....that you can get works real good for cleaning concrete floors... I have some out in the barn I'll get you the name of it....comes in 5 gal buckets...comercial stuff...

  3. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    I heard that muriatic acid works wonders on concrete.

  4. BA

    BA Well-Known Member

    How about renting a power washer? I have also heard about Muriatic acid. You should be able to find in a local hardware store.
    I have used Comet cleanser with fair results. It really depends on how long and what color the stains are. Another approach might be to use concrete paint to cover stains.

  5. palbuick

    palbuick Well-Known Member

    Muritiac acid will probably work the best. Scrub it in and power wash off. The cheapest product, gallon bottles available everywher.
    Jim Schilf
  6. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    For oil/grease stains, try some mineral spirits and a good brush. Use Muriatic/Hydrochloric acid next. Make SURE you have your head away from it. It will create toxic fumes. Make sure you have a running garden hose nearby in case you spill/splash any on you.
    Also, don't leave it too long on the concrete or it will "eat away" the surface leaving a rough/depressed surface. You can get Hydrochloric acid at any Home Depot store in the pool chemical section.

    If you really want to do a good job, follow up with a pressure cleaner and then use a large garden sprayer to spray bleach on the surface. Let it dry and then you can use the new driveway/garage epoxy paints to make it look like new!

    See Home Depot for more details on prep work for epoxy paint and the paint itself.
  7. 67AFONE

    67AFONE -Ron

    Thanks for all the quick responses so wuickly guys. I will try all of your ideas, hopefully one will work. I do own a power washer but it only puts out 1500 psi, have had small luck with it. Maybe combined with one of those ideas it will work. Thanks again.
  8. Truzi

    Truzi Perpetual Student

    Accidentally broke a battery once - the acid cleaned up the concrete very nicely.
  9. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    Don't power wash too hard...you will remove the smooth part of the concrete and expose the rough part below.... I have seen it happen....

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