What kind of wheels are these exactly?

Discussion in 'Ebay Parts and Cars' started by CJay, May 17, 2011.

  1. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

  2. Topless64-455

    Topless64-455 Well-Known Member

    I am wondering why you are searching craiglist with that word in the subject line???:Do No: :laugh:
  3. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    I guess, whore wheels, are for; a whore on wheels. . And, what is "curbage"? And, what is "aight"
  4. Rivman

    Rivman Senior Ottawa Buick Guy

    'Curbage' means the rims have scuff marks, or permanent damage on them, from being rubbed against curbs - like when you gouge those wide white walls against a cement curb, yeeeeeeeeowch !! :TU:
  5. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    You'd be surprised what comes up in the results:laugh:
  6. SteeveeDee

    SteeveeDee Orange Acres

    I dunno about LI, but in Texas, aight is a shortened way of saying "all right". Leave out the l's and the r, you see.
  7. robs71redriv

    robs71redriv robs71redriv

    Aw I missed it, must be cause the f word or was it that bad
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