What is the best method for adjusting rear quarter glass?

Discussion in 'Interior City' started by garybuick, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    What is the best method for adjusting the rear quarter glass on a 73 lesabre 2 door hardtop?

    Ive tried a lot of adjustments but I cant get it right. Any advice ? The window leaks water at the wiper strip, and when it closes the leading edge moves forward to close. Its tight in the back and in the front, but in the middle its not snug to the weatherstrip.


  2. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    Are you having trouble lining up the two windows together? Sometimes it takes some adjustment to the door window to make things right.

    This is an acrobatic project that requires hours of patience.....hours....and more hours:grin:

    I've done it 3 times on the convertible, and still am not happy with it.
  3. 3shields

    3shields Let's go, MOUNTAINEERS!!!

    Alignment issue

    If you are putting a car back together after a restoration or repaint,I find it easiest to adjust the windows prior to installing the weather stripping. Leave approximately .375-.500" gap along the top of the opening. Then when you install the weather strip, it will all line up easier.

  4. garybuick

    garybuick Time Traveler

    The alignment prob is only within the space that the window rides in, front door is not involved in the prob. Good thought though, window felt area leaks.

    Its nice to know Im not the only one who has struggled for hours. It doesnt seem like it should be so hard. I mean the guys on the assmbly line got it right most of the time (except this one hehe) in only a few mins, or secs probably.

    I wonder how they did it ? Anybody know ?

  5. 70aqua_custom

    70aqua_custom Well-Known Member

    I get all the adjustments loose but snug enough that the window doesn't flop around and roll it to where I want it, adjust it with my hands and then tighten everything up. I use a spray bottle with water to leak test. I too have spend way too much time doing this to my car and I too am not happy with the fit. I swear it has to be the new weather strips I bought from Year One. I still have a little wind noise over 50 MPH that gets me aggravated.

    I would LOVE to know how they did it in the factory!!!!

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