What do you know about...

Discussion in 'Classic Buicks' started by N360LL, May 30, 2010.

  1. N360LL

    N360LL milehi71Stage1

    What do you know about a Buick Woodall Wildfire. I've never heard of one before- has anyone? I can only assume that it is a variant of a Special or a Roadmaster but...

    A close friend who owns a specialty shop has been asked to work on one and he doesn't know any more that that at this point. Since I'm the Buick guy he asked me and I haven't replied to him yet.

  2. capt546

    capt546 Well-Known Member

  3. N360LL

    N360LL milehi71Stage1

    Thanks for the help with the pics etc.
  4. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    My first impression was that it looks very similar to a '54 Kaiser Darrin.

    Attached Files:

  5. cstanley-gs

    cstanley-gs Silver Mist

    I thought that too!

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