What do you guys think of Musclecar Review lately?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by tstclr, Jul 17, 2005.

  1. tstclr

    tstclr Well-Known Member

    I grabbed a copy at the grocery store checkout yesterday and I have to say it sure isn't like the MCR of 10-15 years ago. The writing seems weak to me and some of the feature cars were far from stock. There were a couple of neat cars featured-like the L79 plain-Jane Chevy II but I really didn't get much out of that V10 powered Charger-turned-into-a-Daytona..Also, the top 10 restoration errors were lame and seemed like it was a copy of an article from a Mustang mag..
    What do you guys think. Is it just me getting old?

  2. lostGS

    lostGS Well-Known Member

    Not too bad, but like most mags too many chevys. Most of the time I get them for model car project ideas.

  3. nitrousfish

    nitrousfish Dave Fisher

    It is now a hodge-podge of ohter titles...

    It is culled from chevy high performance and the other "house titles". Consult Hemmings Muscle Machines and Musclecar Enthusiast..you will not be disappointed....fish
  4. StreetStrip

    StreetStrip Well-Known Member

    It is hard to find a good car mag anymore. Most are really no more then a cheaply disguised advertisement for $9.99. With a couple of cars thrown in for good taste.

    But allot of these companies can't run on just subscriber funds. Advertisers pay most of the bills and they tend to follow the popular trends. And call the shots.

    I think there is room for someone to make a new revolutionary car mag. But most don't last very long. As they incorp once success hits and then must find ways to fund a 300 employee office building.

    Anymore I just browse the free mag subscription sites and get my fix there. You just need to watch and sooner or later just about every mag offers up free 1-2 year sub's for free. Though even free, some cost to much in work. Gotta carry it from the mail box to the trash can every month.

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