what can you tell me about a 1961 Invicta?

Discussion in 'Classic Buicks' started by crazyjackcsa, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. crazyjackcsa

    crazyjackcsa Big and Untame

    Came across a 61 Invicta 4 door hard top. Haven't called the guy yet, but from a quick inspection here is what I've got. Rear bumper is rotten through in two places, weather stripping looks tired but intact, interior was some stains on the sail panels, kinda looks like water is leaking in, but I'm not sure. Other than that it looks really good for a 43 year old car. The paint is good, the rest of the chromes is good. Good interior other than those stains.

    Just wondering what to watch out for, market value on these things, stuff like that.
  2. 89Riviera

    89Riviera Member

    According to my standard catalog of Buick 1903-2000 the Invicta you are looking at value is about $4800. I hope this helps.

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