What are you guys using for side molding???

Discussion in 'A boatload of fun' started by Poppaluv, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    I'm going back and forth on what to do with my Riv. At some point it will be used for some real life parking.:Do No:
  2. william.ali.kay

    william.ali.kay Needs more cowbell!

    First, I park as far away as I possibly can from every other car. Usually the other end of the parking lot.

    Then, I take up two spaces and :pray: some idot doesnt still decide to park his rusted out 88 Blazer with his sugar high door swinging 8 year old son RIGHT next to my Wildcat so they can "check out my sweet ride" and then say "sorry about the door thing man".
    It never fails. So I dont know what to tell ya.
    I got issues, can you tell? :rant: :moonu: :laugh:
  3. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    Have you never noticed that the farthest end of the lot is never empty when you return????? :spank: I've considered taking 2 spots waaay away, but whenever I see a Vette doing it, I thing he's a douche. Would I be a douche, or will the public approve?????????
  4. william.ali.kay

    william.ali.kay Needs more cowbell!

    Did any of those vettes have door dings?
    Hell Im ok with being a cosidered a douche if it meant no door dings.
  5. Briz

    Briz Founders Club Member

    I always try to get the spot closest to the store that has a "island" thing on one side to protect the car from carts and door dings. + when I come out of the store I can admire it. Funny how ya always see ppl checking it out as they walk to and from their crappy mini vans.
  6. 72RivGS

    72RivGS Well-Known Member

    I try to park next to the nicest newest car/truck. Hopefully they'd rather not wreck their stuff and thus not slam a door into mine.
  7. charris

    charris Well-Known Member

    You guys are going about this all wrong...... When you park you need to park right over the the center of four parking spaces. now you are useing four spots and not two. woks out real nice:TU:
  8. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    I took all of the side molding and lower trim off of my Riviera. In my opinion, it looks better without it. I still have to grind down the little buttons that poke out of the metal where it attatched too. All I kept was the window trim, door handles, and hood spear.
  9. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    It never fails; I park the car in the far end of the lot and when I come back there are always 4 idiots parked around it with their rusted out "vintage" K-cars and clapped-out pick-ups. It doesn't matter where one parks, there will always be damage, be it from overly obese non-caring housewives slamming mini-van doors into it, or kids with gooey fingers that just can leave door handles alone. To most other people "it's just a car", and they don't care. Park in 4 stalls and be prepared to be hemmed in. I always hate it when clowns with 03 Ricers with garbage can exhausts take up 2 stalls...

    Don't know what to advise...
  10. r0ckstarr

    r0ckstarr Well-Known Member

    Consider me the body guard

    My Ranger isn't the nicest vehicle in the world, and with nearly 300k miles worth of rock chips, scratches, etc.. it definately isn't the prettiest. One thing I absolutely cannot stand are door dings. The tiny little dents put in the side from other people who were careless with their doors. A scratch is just missing paint. A door ding means more work when it comes time for a repaint.

    So, when I go to a busy area where I have to park, I look for that one car parked way out at the end of the lot all by himself. I don't box him in or anything, but I do park near him just close enough that another car cannot squeeze between us. Because, I know he is the one person who won't give me a door ding, and I know for a fact that I won't be giving him one.

    Same goes for if I have to take my semi-rusted 3-shades of white Riviera somewhere.

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