What are these worth?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by rivyboat, Nov 18, 2002.

  1. rivyboat

    rivyboat The Heartbeats Faster

    I have a chance to gey my hands on two motors.
    The guy wants to sell them as a package.

    The first is a 75 or 76 455. It is complete pan to carb, and includes both exhaust manifolds. It was supposedly running when it was removed.

    The second is a 67 430 with a spun bearing. It is a long
    block, but does include the left side exhaust manifold.

    What would be a fair package price?

  2. 70 gsconvt

    70 gsconvt Silver Level contributor

    I know the 75-76 455's around here go for between $150 and $200, and some come with the tranny out of the Electra. Couldn't comment on the other motor.
  3. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    For a 430 with a spun bearing (meaning the crank either needs to be ground or is too far gone) I'd pay no more than $100 - and even that's generous. $150 for the 455.

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